
2006-10-15 7:23 pm

回答 (3)

2006-10-20 3:07 am
2006-10-20 1:22 am
官立嘉道理爵士中學(西九龍) OF COURSE is the BEST!! It's kind of like an international school and u get to study with student from different ethnic backgrounds. U will have a chance to meet diff. frends from diff. cultures, and u will certainly experience a LOT that a typical local student would never experience!! Even 喬寶寶 is an alumni of SEKSS (WK)!!!
YOU will also have lots of choices in your stream, and the language you choose has the most flexibilty compared with other schools in hong kong: French, English, Chinese, Hindi (Indian language) and Urdu (pakistani language). SEK is the only local school in Hong Kong that actually teach urdu and hindi and a second language which u take for ur public exams. Both french, Hindi and Urdu is accepted for most universities (it does not say so in the jupas guide for hindi and urdu but the jupas office had provided them a letter saying so)
參考: I am a past student in SEKSS(WK), but since SEK does not offer matriculation subjects at the moment (it will in 2 years time), i have now changed school to King's College
2006-10-17 1:11 am

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