
2006-10-15 7:10 pm
題目:An Unforgettable encounter

Use your imagination to write a piece of composition(200 words) telling some strange or terrible things happened in the past.(You can use Past、Past continuous and Past Perfect Tenses in your work ! ) The unforgettable encounter can be a story about a mystery, a murder, a robbery, a fire, a traffic accident. ghosts or UFO !

要有set、charaters and plot係篇文到~~

SET:When and where did the story begin? CHARACTERS:Who was/were the character(s) ? What was/were he/they doing at the beginning or the story? PLOT:What happened to the character(s) ? A)Feeling B)Appearance C)Object D)Action

回答 (1)

2006-10-15 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am sorry to say that you should do your homework by yourself. If you depend on any other persons and copy their articles, you will learn nothing. (It doesn't matter if you want to accuse me, I am just care of you)

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