xanga problem急!!!!!

2006-10-15 6:05 pm

但係我去到這個步驟Finally, enter your username and password again and sign in,我就去唔到下一個步驟la......It said "Incorrect login - please try again or click here for help"

回答 (2)

2006-10-15 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First, enter this website:http://edit.xanga.co m/shutdownquiz.aspx

Secondly, choose the FIRST option, I can't sign in and can't reuse my username and PRESS continue.

After that, choose the THIRD option - I can't read my old entries and can't post new ones and PRESS continue.

Then, choose the SECOND option - I can't view my Profile and can't view my Friends list and PRESS continue.

Finally, enter your username and password again and sign in, then you can delete your account.

Hope this can help you.

參考: By jasonyick047987
2006-10-15 6:11 pm
Xanga 有個Shut Down Site既功能..只需要回答網上幾條questions就可以delete左xanga

URL: http://edit.xanga.com/shutdownquiz.aspx

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