我d 金魚好辛苦呀....幫下我吖~~ T-T

2006-10-15 10:59 am
我d 金魚好病呀...落左o個d 金魚萬能藥水都冇用呀......
你地有咩建議可以俾我呀????? 十萬個唔該....!!!!!!!!

而家d 魚...
1. 條尾有好多紅血絲 + 小白點.....
2. 有些小白點o係魚頭 & 魚鰭都有
3, 個鰓後少少d魚鱗有血出現
4. 唔食野
5. 個口成日不停開合, 好急速 ( 即係好似呼吸困難咁 )
6. 唔游水 ( 平時好活潑架, 游泥游去... )

之前都冇咩野架.....但呢2-3日就出o西呢d 狀況出泥......


回答 (3)

2006-10-15 4:41 pm
the fish have sickness
2006-10-15 12:12 pm
Freshwater Ich
Symptoms: Fish look like they have little white salt grains on them and may scratch against objects in the tank.

White spot disease (Ichthyopthirius multifiliis) is caused by a protozoan with a life cycle that includes a free-living stage. Ich grows on a fish --> it falls off and attaches to gravel or tank glass --> it reproduces to MANY parasites --> these swarmers then attach to other fish. If the swarmers do not find a fish host, they die in about 3 days (depending on the water temperature).

Therefore, to treat it, medicine must be added to the display tank to kill free-living parasites. If fish are removed to quarantine, parasites living in the tank will escape the treatment -- unless ALL fish are removed for about a week in freshwater or three weeks in saltwater systems. In a reef tank, where invertebrates are sensitive to ich medications, removing the fish is the only option. Some people think that ich is probably dormant in most tanks. It is most often triggered by temperature fluctuations.

Remedy: For most fish, use a medication with formalin and malachite green. These are the active ingredients in many ich medications at fish shops. Some products are Kordon's Rid Ich and Aquarium Products' Quick Cure. Just read the label and you may find others. Check for temperature fluctuations in the tank and fix them to avoid recurrences. Note that tetras can be a little sensitive to malachite green, so use it at half the dose.

Use these products as directed (usually a daily dose) until all of the fish are spot-free. Then dose every three days for a total of four more doses. This will kill any free-swimming parasites as they hatch out of cysts.

Another remedy is to raise the tank temperature to about 90 deg F and add 1 tsp/gallon salt to the water. Not all fish tolerate this.

Finally, one can treat ich with a ``transfer method.'' Fish are moved daily into a different tank with clean, conditioned, warmed water. Parasites that came off of the fish are left behind in the tank. After moving the fish daily for a week, the fish (presumably cured) can be put back into the main tank. The disadvantage of this method is that it stresses both fish and fishkeeper.
2006-10-15 12:08 pm

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