English Debate

2006-10-15 7:00 am
Debate(IN English)
個題目係:Physical Education in Hong Kong schools is inadequate.
我係反方,即係話我要講Physical Education in Hong Kong schools is enough.
咁我想問下有咩原因/points 可以講呢?

回答 (3)

2006-10-15 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Time factor - Academic achievement is more important than Physical Education during school hours. The need to allow for more time to spend on academic lessons in order to pass end of term examinations or to graduate from University etc.

2. Sports or physical activities can be done after school or on weekends such as playing a game of soccer or basketball. It is recommended that everyone should walk for at least half hour daily to maintain good health. That is easily achieved with living in Hong Kong.

3. Unless someone wants to be an athlete or become a Physical Ed teacher, otherwise there is no real need to spend longer hours on Physical education during school years.
2006-10-15 7:45 am
Major points:
1) HK Government has no long term plan to cultivate althetics, people are rarely treat sport games as professional like doctor, lawer.

2) HK people are not willing to be althetics, as the career life is very short, their live will have no security.

3) HK student are under great pressure for their studies, increasing the proportion of physical education will make them more stressful and jeopardize other studies.

4) HK economy is being transformed to knowledge oriented, education should be going in pace of economic trend. Govenment should put more resource in developing economy, technology, HK's edge is in finace, tourism, inport and export trading.

5) Acheivement in sport can make people feel gorious and embrace their country, but HK is part of China, Chinese have already been the top in many sport games, HK people can have little contribution in these fields, so we must to understand what our core confidence is, and to do our best on our core business.
2006-10-15 7:32 am
if I'm you your untroduction will be something like ---i believe that the P.E sys in hong kong is more than enought because that the teacher and student live in a quite a small city the most of the day contant miore walking than siting. also in my option that P.E should also have lesson in class aswell as the outdoor active.

time is a key factor for you in this point due to the fact that most of the H.K school hae limit space the subject (PE) need more space for the amount of people share the space for the same lesson isn't this fair for the teacher and the student ---along this line of though

insurence for staff and student

outside school time-----i.e afterschool club

if still have time try and recap it all and high light the main point

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