
2006-10-15 6:30 am

回答 (3)

2006-10-15 5:37 pm
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A school toilet ghost story (by Ruth Chan 4D)

This happened during the first leadership camp. I had to spend a night at school. This was the Saturday night. It was cold and chilly. In the middle of the night, I needed to go to the toilet. Everyone else was sound asleep. I dared not wake anybody.

When I came out of the cubicle, I heard something from behind. I washed my hands in front of the mirror. When I looked at the mirror, I saw one man standing next to me. He was wearing a hat and had short hair. His hair was very terrible because he had only patches of hair. He had no eyes nor nose. However, he had a lot of scars. Although I couldn’t see his feet, I knew that he hadn’t any feet. It was because he was “standing” on the rubbish bin. At that time, I didn’t know what I could do. I was very scared.

Then I heard he said, “I want to make friends with you. Do you want to?”
“Oh! No! My God! Can you tell me this is a dream?” I thought.

I was very scared but I knew one thing. If I wanted him to stay away from me, I needed to think about a good idea in order to make him leave.
So I said, “You wanted to make friends with me. Do you know all my friends are very pretty? But are you?”

Then he told me, “I ‘m very ugly. Sorry! I make you scared.”
Suddenly, he disappeared in the mirror. I left the toilet immediately. I needed to tell my leader.

However, he said, “ Hey! Be quick to sleep. Don’t think a lot.”
Finally, I only could listen to my leader.
2006-10-24 5:03 am
Ghosts may be the result of human emotions that have been projected during traumatic events. Events involving grisly deaths, prolonged tragic circumstances and drama are likely to leave behind a ghost imprint. A ghost is therefore like a photographic record that is occasionally visible to 'sensitive' people. They are seen like a film clip from the past sometimes with the same scene repeating in the same spot. What is seen is certainly not a conscious spirit trapped in a time warp and repeating the same task for eternity. It is the energy of history
Many people become very frightened when they see a ghost but there is in reality no cause for alarm. The real people, their spirit selves, have moved on long ago into the worlds of the afterlife.


2006-10-24 20:37:31 補充:
點解嫁??? 點解嫁??? 點解嫁??? 點解嫁???
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2006-10-21 9:44 pm
Ghosts may be the result of human emotions that have been projected during traumatic events. Events involving grisly deaths, prolonged tragic circumstances and drama are likely to leave behind a ghost imprint. A ghost is therefore like a photographic record that is occasionally visible to 'sensitive' people. They are seen like a film clip from the past sometimes with the same scene repeating in the same spot. What is seen is certainly not a conscious spirit trapped in a time warp and repeating the same task for eternity. It is the energy of history
Many people become very frightened when they see a ghost but there is in reality no cause for alarm. The real people, their spirit selves, have moved on long ago into the worlds of the afterlife.
參考: www.ukghost.com - 68k -

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