
2006-10-15 6:24 am
something i must be tell all my guests
as my low english proficieny,i think that on my message you will find so many grammatical mistake and wrong writing technique.
i am pleasure to listen your advise from my english mistake and make some modification for me!THANKS

or 改成更好的句子,但意思要一樣@@ thx !

回答 (2)

2006-10-15 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is something I must tell to all my guests. Because of my low proficiency in the english language, you will find many grammatical mistakes and incorrect writing techiques.
I will be happy to listen to your advise, and the makings of modification on my poor english.
2006-10-15 7:28 am
To be frank, my English is not good. You may find many grammatical mistakes and improper writing styles in my homeworks. I look forward to your advice if you spot any mistakes.

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