
2006-10-15 5:56 am

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2006-10-15 7:22 pm
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在神聖羅馬皇帝卡爾五世的統治下, 現在荷蘭和比利時的區域叫作荷蘭7省。在1648年,從西班牙獲得獨立之後,荷蘭發展成為17世紀航海和貿易強國。荷蘭在世界各地建立殖民地和貿易據點。這段時期在荷蘭被稱為「黃金年代」。
The Netherlands (Dutch: Nederland (IPA: [ˈne:dərlɑnt])) is the European part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Dutch: Koninkrijk der Nederlanden), which is formed by the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy, located in northwestern Europe. It is bordered by the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east. The current borders were established in 1839.
The Netherlands is often referred to by the name Holland. This is not terminologically precise, since the provinces of North and South Holland in the western Netherlands are only two of the country's twelve provinces. (For more on this and other naming issues see Netherlands (terminology).)
The Netherlands is a densely populated and geographically low-lying country (its name literally means "low countries" or "low lands") and is popularly known for its windmills, clogs (wooden shoes), dikes, tulips, bicycles and social tolerance. Its policies are liberal towards drugs, prostitution, same-sex marriage, abortion and euthanasia. The country is host to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court at The Hague.
2006-10-16 5:37 am
2006-10-15 9:57 pm
但係係第二次世界大戰, 就一早俾希特拉用閃電戰術佔領佐, 荷蘭的部隊只可退到一些偏僻的地方作零星的還擊, 直到盟軍登陸之後先可以加入戰線向柏林進軍
2006-10-15 8:14 am
唔是荷蘭有問題, 因為是第二次好早時間已經比德國合併左, 但是東線果時, 由外地人組成的德國兵團(荷蘭都有份), 其戰鬥力都打低好多盟軍, 但最後都是輸...沒可能留名.
2006-10-15 6:42 am

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