要點照顧d parrot??

2006-10-15 4:39 am
要點照顧d parrot/.//
佢地食d 咩..??
因為我要做一個關於parrot 既report...

回答 (3)

2006-10-15 9:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Informations for Cockatoos, Lories Macaws and Parakeets

Parrots make colourful, interesting and very enjoyable pets and are relatively easy to feed and maintain. The Parrot Society UK recommends that you obtain captive-bred birds wherever possible. You must, however, remember that the larger parrots live a long time and keeping them is therefore a long-term commitment. Always remember to ask the seller how acclimatised your newly-acquired bird is, especially if you are going to put it in an outside aviary during the colder months. If you already have parrots it is always advisable to quarantine any new purchase for 35 days before allowing it into the proximity of your existing birds in case it is carrying any disease. If your new bird shows any sign of illness such as fluffed-up feathers, resting with head in the wing or on both legs instead of one, thin breast bone, loose droppings, heavy breathing or any discharge from the nostrils, keep the bird warm 80º to 90º F or 27º to 32º C in a quiet location, ensure that the food (preferably easily digested food such as baby food is in easy reach of the perch) and contact a veterinarian with avian expertise immediately. Veterinarians with this expertise are not common and it would be sensible to locate one even before you buy a bird, as it is often in the very early days of ownership that you may require their services. The Parrot Society can assist you in locating one most local to you.

Parrots relish a varied diet; in the wild they eat different fruits and seeds as they ripen month by month. If you were offered the same few foods every day you would quickly become bored and soon after start to suffer dietary problems. Make an effort to give your bird a wide variety of foods. The foods that should be offered on a regular basis are canary seed, mixed millets, hemp, wheat, maize, safflower, sunflower (in moderation as it is an oil seed and can cause obesity), oats, buckwheat, paddy rice, niger, linseed and groats. The most commonly used fruits for parrots include oranges, sweet apples, grapes, pears, cherries and bananas. If possible also include occasionally exotic fruits such as papaya, mango and kiwi. (On no account allow your bird to have avocado this is poisonous to birds.) Vegetables that should be offered include carrots, celery, spinach, beetroot, peas, beans and lightly cooked corn on the cob. Sprouted seeds and soaked biscuit are also popular. Do not feed your parrot with scraps from the table, although toast fingers lightly coated with honey and dipped in tea can provide an occasional treat. Larger parrots, especially macaws, should be given nuts in their diet throughout the year. These will include walnuts, brazils, pecans, macadamia, cashews, hazelnuts. Cob-nuts in season are usually enjoyed. If you can obtain palm-nuts from a specialist supplier, these can also be given in small quantities.

It is important to ensure that all fruit and vegetables are washed thoroughly before use and all dishes used for feeding are always clean. Avoid placing any dishes directly under perches as they will quickly become soiled.

Proprietary foods in pellet form are available, but many experienced aviculturists believe they do not provide foraging experience and have little therapeutic value.
However they are very convenient and provide adequate nutrition, therefore may be used extensively or in part.

Water and Supplements
Fresh water should be provided daily. Multi-vitamin drops can be added to the water, grit and calcium in the form of cuttlefish should also be available. If keeping Lories, Lorikeets or Hanging Parrots nectar mixture must be provided.

For more parrot care informations in English, visit these website ~


作答有4000個字上限, 用英文作答; 是4000字母咋 ! 仲要連隔位都計埋 ! 唔係我唔想再長詳d !
2006-10-15 4:44 am


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