
2006-10-15 3:33 am
早前係泰國的日子裡 , 我係周圍既地方搜尋不同的美食諗住做今期的青少年雜誌 , 所以我決定立即將影返黎既相俾我既老闆睇。
當老闆拎起 d 相睇 , 第一句就話 ; 哇 , 這些什麼相黎架 , 這都稱得上是美食 ?? 香港都有大把啦 , 我駛鬼叫你去泰國揾資料呀?
我聽到之後心諗 : 如果你做到的話就唔駛請我地這班下屬喇 !!
當時我後悔當初點解要選擇這份工作 , 生氣得還遞上遲職信添。

回答 (1)

2006-10-15 4:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
During the day of Thailand in early time, my place around searches different table delicacies and wants to cook the magazines of teenagers of one of today, so I determine immediately photograph that shadow come back for my boss to read.
As the boss picks up the photograph, the first sentence is said: Oh! These are what photographs came, do all these deserve to be called table delicacies ? There are many in Hong Kong, why do I want you to go to Thailand to look for the materials?
I hear that thought : Under class of this of ours on not inviting that if you made sure!
I regretted at that time why originally choose this job, so angry as to still pass the late duty letter.
參考: me

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