
2006-10-15 1:29 am


盧押勳爵   盧押勳爵是香港第十四任的總督,他在任期間,曾向英國政府建議將山東的租借地威海衛交還與中國,以作為中國將新界永久割讓與英國的交換條件,雖然當時的殖民地部同意予以考慮,可惜最後卻不了了之。



德輔爵士  德輔爵士是香港第十任的總督,在他任內,山頂纜車正式通車;而香港電燈公司亦開始為香港提供電力。


回答 (3)

2006-10-15 1:35 am
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Nathan Knight

Hong Kong 13th Governor Nathan Knight is a serviceman family background internal affairs official, he extremely takes Hong Kong the urban development, under his management, Hong Kong government has formulated a more perfect central area reconstruction plan, simultaneously also opened the Kowloon area mainly to do the road. In 1907 he the office term expiration left a post, Nathan (original Luo P'iench'en) thus acquired fame. Lu detains 勳爵 Lu to detain 勳爵 is Hong Kong 14th governor, he in the tenure in office, once to the English government suggested Shandong will rent 威海衛 returns with China, by will take China the New Territory permanent cession and England's exchange condition, although then colony department agreement considered, what a pity finally actually let it go at that. Lu detains 勳爵 also to propose Hong Kong needed to have a university the conception, the end the Hong Kong University holds the opening ceremony in March, 1912, held a concurrent post principal by him. Hong Kong University teaching building "Lu Chialou", in dormitory "Lu Chiashe" and summit Lu Yate all by his name naming. Hong Kong first university - - Hong Kong University 德輔 knight 德輔 knight is Hong Kong tenth governor, in his duration of term, the Peak Tram officially is open to traffic; But the Hong Kong electric lamp company also starts for Hong Kong to provide the electric power. After 德輔 knight leaves a post by is stationed port England armed force Commander Major General Bai Lichi to take the post holds as acting appointment governor of Hong Kong, but German auxiliary lane by its name naming.

Sorry!!!勳爵-德輔-威海衛 都唔識翻譯!!Sorry!!
2008-10-16 11:35 pm
2006-10-15 1:37 am

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