Harry Potter 7 幾時有啊?

2006-10-15 1:11 am

回答 (2)

2006-10-17 9:52 am
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The release date of the final Harry Potter book has not been announced, but Rowling has stated that she is in the process of writing it; she hopes to complete it by the end of 2006, for release in 2007.

另外亦有rumor話會係2007年7月7日出版. 但暫時都係未知之數...

耐心d等下啦! 希望2007年就有得睇啦!!! 其實等下都好, 可以比 Rowling慢慢寫. 話晒都係harry potter系列的最後一本, 我唔想佢為咗趕交搞而早早收場呢!!!
2006-10-17 5:44 am
應該沒那麼快, Rowling 說過暫時要專心〝湊女〞(沒記錯應該是女), 把寫書的事暫時閣下. 恐怕大家都要再忍耐一下了.

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