
2006-10-15 12:49 am
請問, 搭順風車英文是怎麼說?

回答 (6)

2006-10-15 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案


to travel by asking drivers of passing cars for the free rides.

2006-10-14 17:13:50 補充:
If you 搭順風車, then you are a HITCH-HIKER.You can also say HITCH instead of HITCHHIKE( HITCH is the informal word for HITCHHIKE )eg : Mary and Tom hitched all the way across Europe.
2015-10-17 2:07 pm
Car pool
2006-10-16 4:01 am
There are many way to say this:
The most usual one is Hitchhiking , also called lifting, thumbing or hitching, Thumb up a ride.
Hitchiking is a form of transport, in which the traveller tries to get a lift (ride) from another traveller, usually a car or truck driver or occasionally even a motorcycle driver. Hitchhiking is also called by the French term autostop, especially in Europe. We call those that travel in this way a hitchiker.
You can see this word in a movie recently, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
2006-10-16 12:03 am
Hitch Hiking

Get a lift from you.
參考: me!
2006-10-15 1:29 am
You can also ask,
Can I hitch a ride from you?

2006-10-16 00:23:29 補充:
Can you give me a lift Home?Can you give me a lift to .............?
2006-10-15 12:58 am
好似叫做easy trip

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