
2006-10-15 12:22 am
輔助動詞,副詞,可解? 長細解釋! thanks!!!

回答 (3)

2006-10-15 9:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
輔助動詞 (auxiliary verb) 主要用來加進本來己有動詞 (verb) 的句子裏,建立完整的動詞組 (verb phrase)。例如:

I [will] do it tomorrow.
He [has] arrived.
She [must be] dreaming.

形容詞 (adjective) 用來形容事物,而副詞 (adverb) 則用來形容動詞或形容詞。例如:

She is [beautiful]. (形容詞,意思是「她」很美麗。)
She is dancing [beautifully]. (副詞,意思是她跳舞「跳」得很美,但她本人是否美麗是另一回事。)

2006-10-18 6:56 am
動詞 is Verb
A verb is use to say an action
For example, run, swim, eat, kick, etc.
He runs to the bus-stop every day.
He never swims.

副詞is Adverb
There are two cases for adverb
1. Adverbs are used to describe verbs, to tell readers how the action is like.
For example, quickly, slowly, loudly
He runs very quickly. The adverb quickly is used to describe the verb runs.

2. Adverbs are used to describe adjectives
For example, really, rather, quite
This book is really beautiful. The adverb really is used to describe beautiful.

Hope i can help you la. I typed all these myself ga ^^
2006-10-15 3:37 am
動詞就如:do, make, eat, drink (verb to do); is, am, are (verb to be); has, have(verb to have).

但是:I am doing my homework. am 就是輔助動詞
You have eaten three pieces of bread already. have 就是輔助動詞
副詞:slowly, quietly, tidily ---- etc. 是把動詞再形容得詳細一些的

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