
2006-10-14 8:45 pm

回答 (6)

2006-10-14 9:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
「無那麽多」可以用很多不同方式寫出來,你要考慮整句句子是想表達甚麽。 For examples: 1) They are not that much difference. 2) There are only a few fatal events. 或 3) Not many iPod owners regularly buy music online.
以上一些例子可以看到 Not that much diffeence; a few; 和 not many 等等,都可表達到「無那麽多」的意思。
2006-10-14 10:38 pm
not that much
2006-10-14 9:15 pm
not too mush or not too many
2006-10-14 8:57 pm
not as many as it is
參考: 自己
2006-10-14 8:51 pm
無那麽多not too mush呀

2006-10-14 12:57:00 補充:
sorry打錯咗字呀,應該是 not too much才對

2006-10-14 13:01:51 補充:
sorry打錯咗字呀,應該是 not too much才對,彧have not much ,without much.
2006-10-14 8:49 pm
not so much (uncountable)
not so many (countable)
參考: me

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