
2006-10-14 8:22 pm
寶血同中華基金band 幾?邊間好 d ar??

回答 (3)

2006-10-14 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
中華基金band one尾男女直資$905
寶血band 2(女津貼)
邊間好 d 中華基金la
d PE

2006-10-14 12:49:36 補充:
D PE好勁女排,男排和越野跑
參考: me a student in中華基金
2006-10-15 9:41 pm
GOOD!!! 加油!!!
2006-10-14 11:25 pm
The Chinese Foundation School The Chinese Foundation School (中華基金) is Band1(medium)
EMI school

寶血is Band 2(aided school)
CMI school(girls)

The Chinese Foundation School (中華基金) is better
參考: me(one of the student in (中華基金)

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