When I was lost in the street, I met a handsome boy...

2006-10-14 11:59 am
The next day, I met him again in school! I was so surprised that we are studying in the same school!
After school, I met him again. He asked me if he can walk with me to my bus stop. I said yes because I like him. I really had a good time with him.
He told me I am as kind as an angel. I said but I am not beautiful. He didn't agree with me, he said he thought I am pretty.
But after that, when I saw him in school, he just said hello and then nothing.
Does he like me?

After he knew that I am one year older than him and I am a really good student in school(I always get high marks in exam),I notice that he felt inferior when he stay with me. I think it might be the reason that he doesn't want to talk with me...What should I do?

回答 (3)

2006-10-14 1:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The boy likes you or not,all depends on your feeling.I think that he looked cool in school afterward ,cause he didn't want to let the schoolmates know at that time,or may be he thought that you were his common friend only.He praised to you because he wanted to show he's a gentleman.Don't make any wishful thinking.

2006-10-21 01:30:49 補充:
If he is a enterprising guy,he must not avoid to keep in touch with you.Try to ask him that you have a girl friend ,she has a boy friend who is a bit older than her,what will he think about that? and then discuss about this topic,may be the answer will come out,wait to your good news.
2006-10-15 11:40 am
Although he like you,but most of the boys cannot accpet the girls who are older than him! I know he likes you,however he is so shy because your marks is very high,i am a boy ,if i saw some girls who are greater then me,i think i will same as him!
參考: my experience
2006-10-14 12:47 pm
it is lame to say you're kind as an angel when he doesn't even know you. you can't really tell unless you know that person well to say they're kind or not, and especially kind as an angel. he is so lame. forget this kind of people. sweet talk should have a limit too, and this is too obvious. obvious bullshit.

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 23:20:53
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