
2006-10-14 9:01 am
1) Alice had some $10 banknotes, $ 20 banknotes and $100 banknotes. The number of $10 banknotes is 3 times that of $20 banknotes.The number of $20 banknotes is 8 times that of $100 banknotes. If Alice had $1500, find the number of $100 banknotes she had.
2) Water flows from a pipe r over 27 L per minute. Find the amount of water supply in r^2 hours.
steps please!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2006-10-14 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Maths!!!!!!!Quick!!! !!!!!!!!
1) Alice had some $10 banknotes, $ 20 banknotes and $100 banknotes. The number of $10 banknotes is 3 times that of $20 banknotes.The number of $20 banknotes is 8 times that of $100 banknotes. If Alice had $1500, find the number of $100 banknotes she had.

設有 x 張100元,則有8x張20元及24x張10元

100x + 20*8x + 10*24x = 1500
100x + 160x + 240x = 1500
500x = 1500
x = 3

2) Water flows from a pipe r over 27 L per minute. Find the amount of water supply in r2 hours.
(r/27) x r2 x 60
= 20r3 / 9
2006-10-14 9:27 am
1) Let the number of $100 banknote Alice had be X
Alice had 8X $20 banknotes
Alice had 24X $10 banknotes (24X = 3 * 8X)

10(24X) + 20(8X) + 100X = 1500
240X + 160X + 100X = 1500
500X = 1500
X = 3

2) the required amount of water supply = (r / 27) * (r^2 * 60) = (20r^3)/9 LITER
2006-10-14 9:13 am
1) Let x be the number of $100 banknote
the number of $20 banknote is 8(x)=8x
the number of $10 banknote is 3(8x)=24x

so the number of $100 banknote is 3

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:23:38
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