
2006-10-14 7:12 am
事關我響4年前(2002年9月)響英國讀左間college 2年,



而家佢一係叫我pay左去,一係就London Court見...


如果唔去London Court,會唔會比人通輯?...

Thanks a lot

回答 (3)

2006-10-14 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果搵番哂D學費單就最好啦, FAX番比佢地啦, 如果冇就睇有冇其他証明如銀行入數單等...都係冇就水洗都唔清....

希望係誤會一場, 以和為貴啦.
2006-10-20 5:53 am
This is just a civil lawsuit, it is not a criminal case. You will not be arrested for this case. If you not in the UK and ignore them, there's nothing they can do. You can still enter and leave the UK freely as this is not a criminal case. England's Laws is similar to HK's Laws, the plantiff need to send a summon to the civil defendent, if the defendent doesn't receive it, they cannot sue you.
2006-10-14 12:38 pm
it is very serious.
u'd better make a payment OR
contact with your school and know what's happen.

If you dont pay after clarification (means you still owe the school fees)
your school would reserve their right to report court/police/other governmental instituations

so, please CONTACT with your school first! (and let your parent know that! they may helps you)

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