
2006-10-14 7:08 am

回答 (5)

2006-10-18 5:43 pm
really MOST commonly used?
2006-10-18 8:13 am
2006-10-14 6:11 pm
1. Time flies when you are having fun 快樂的時光過得特別快

2. Time flies. / How time flies! 光陰似箭
I cannot believe your son is at university already. How time flies!
I never seem to manage to finish my work. The time just flies.

3. walks of life 各階層人士
People from all walks of life like the Beatles' famous songs

4. in a nutshell 概括地說
Well, to put it in a nutshell, we are going to have to start again.

5. all in all 總的說來
All in all, it was a failure.

6. this is life! / this is the life!
something that you say when you are relaxing and very much enjoying the fact that you are not at work
e.g. Sun, sand and cocktails - this is the life!

7. bored to death 悶到要死
The speeches went on for an hour. I was bored to death

8. too much of a good thing 好事太多,反變成壞
I felt sick after I had eaten all those chocolates.
You can have too much of a good thing

9. tomorrow is another day 希望在明天
We have not made much progress today, but don't worry, tomorrow's another day.

10. touch wood
something that you say when you want your luck or a good situation to continue
e.g. It has been fine all week and, touch wood, it will stay fine for the weekend.

2006-10-14 10:55:07 補充:
some more commonly used idioms:11. no news is good news 沒有新聞就是好消息 (即沒有壞事發生)I haven't heard from Johnny for over a week now but I suppose no news is good news

2006-10-14 10:55:51 補充:
12. a storm in a teacup 茶杯裡的風波(即因一些不重要的事引起的風波)I think it's all a storm in a teacup - there's probably no danger to public health at all.13. first come, first served 先到先得We've got ten cheap computers on offer. It's first come, first served

2006-10-14 10:56:38 補充:
14. a friend in need is a friend indeed 當你需要時給你幫助的才是真正的朋友She looked after my dogs while I was in hospital. A friend in need is a friend indeed

2006-10-14 10:57:12 補充:
15. actions speak louder than words 講多無謂,行動最實際Of course the government have made all sorts of promises but as we all know, actions speak louder than words
2006-10-14 10:57 am
A tooth for a tooth; An eye for an eye - 以牙還牙
At Wit's End - 在機智的末端
意思: 問題是非常複雜, 不容易解決... ...
Example: I have been at wit's end trying to figure out how to solve that complicate equations.
At Sixes and Sevens - 亂七八糟

Back To The Drawing Board - 回到繪圖板
Better Late Than Never - 遲做總比不做好

Cry Over Spilt Milk - 為溢出的牛奶而哭泣
意思: 沒有理由為已經失去的而繼續抱怨或憂慮
Example: "I can't believe we lost my favorite toy!" Reply: "Oh, stop crying over spilled milk. You have other toys to play with."

Dead Heat - 不分勝負

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining - 黑暗之中總有一絲光明

Fair and Square - 公平又公正

Great Minds Think Alike - 大家的想法是相似

Head Over Heels - 腳跟和頭被翻轉
意思: 當一人瘋狂地愛上某人, 他感到頭昏眼花... ...
Example: "I have been head over heels about my girlfriend since the day I met her."

Icing On The Cake - 蛋糕上面的裝飾"冰糖"
當一件好事發生, 然後第二件好事也隨後發生, 第二件事是 "Icing on the cake"
Example: I've got a salary raise along with a bonus. The "bonus" in this case is like icing on the cake.

Note: You can e-mail me if you have questions, I'll be glad to help out, but lunch hour is over and I got to get back to work
2006-10-14 7:50 am
Blood is thicker than water -
(Family relationships are stronger and more important than any other relationships);

Make hay while the sun shines -
(To take advantage of a favorable opportunity. To work diligently toward a goal);

(Once in a) blue moon -
(Very seldom);

Bury one's head in sand -
(Ignoring something which is obviously wrong);

To test the waters -
(To try something in a small amount with caution to then judge whether to go in fully or not at all);

Black sheep -
(An ostracized or ill-fitting member of a family or group. ("Uncle Ned is the black sheep of the family.");

A stitch in time saves nine -
[(If something needs to be done it is best done immediately, because left until later the job only becomes larger (like a hole in clothes)];

Ball is in one's court -
(Describes someone who is now responsible for making new decisions);

Bare one's heart (or soul) -
(To reveal one's innermost secrets, personal and private feelings);

Bite the dust -
(To die);

Take it or leave it -
(Accept or reject unconditionally);

Hope I can help you.
參考: Yahoo Dictionay

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