left lower abdominal discomfort, who can help me~~~~(+20)

2006-10-14 5:46 am
i am a 23 girl

i have had left lower abdominal (near pelvis) pinpoint pain for about 2 yrs

pelvis ultrasound show normal, no cyst no enlarged

stool and urine is normal, blood is normal

but pap smear shows abnormal cells, and it is cormfirmed viral infection

i suffer from the pinpoint pain for a long time, it is so disguesting

who can help me pls..........wut happen on me

回答 (2)

2006-10-14 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Pelvic pain that indicates a serious problem and that needs urgent surgery or hospitalization. Examples of this type of pelvic pain would be a ruptured tubal pregnancy or appendicitis.
Pelvic pain that indicates a problem that may need treatment, but not on an urgent basis. Examples of this would include pain from endometriosis, or a growing fibroid tumor. Chronic pelvic pain also falls into this category.
Pelvic pain that is caused something that is part of the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, and will probably resolve without treatment. This pain can be severe, but is self-limited. A frequent cause of this is a "functional" ovarian cyst. (More about that later.) It is easy for a doctor to fall into the trap of doing surgery for such problems because the patient wants the problem solved, and feels that surgery will offer a quick "fix."
Annoying" Pelvic Pain
Some "normal" events can case severe pain. Pain with ovulation is called "mittleschmirz" and can at times be severe.

"Functional" ovarian cysts are fluid filled structures that if left alone will go away without any treatment. These can be caused by an egg follicle that retains fluid. It is common to have some bleeding into the area from which ovulation occurs. This can retain fluid and become a painful ovarian cyst. This type of cyst usually goes away without treatment. It is often difficult to tell which cysts in a pre-menopausal woman will go away without treatment, so most of the time a cyst is observed for 6 to 8 weeks before surgery is recommended to remove it.

Dysmenorrhea. This means pain with menstrual period. Some cramping with the menstrual period is normal, but it is not normal to have pain that interferes with a woman's normal activities. Prostaglandins are compounds in menstrual blood that cause the uterus to contract, and cause cramping. Common medicines used to treat dysmenorrhea, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium help by interfering with the production of prostaglandin. It is important to take these medicines at the first sign of the period or of cramping, to block the production of prostaglandins. If cramping is not easily relieved by these medicines the a visit to the gynecologist is recommended.

Chronic pelvic pain can be one of the most frustrating problems for women, because the pain can be debilitating. Sometimes a definite cause can be determined, such as endometriosis. At other times no cause can be found. This does not mean that the pain is psychosomatic, but rather means that science has not progressed to the point of being able to diagnose all pain.

Stress can aggravate pain, but can also be caused by pain. Management of chronic pain requires evaluation of all possible organ systems that could be causing the pain, and should also include an assessment of lifestyle and stress. If you have chronic pain you should seek out a physician who is both an expert in gynecology and who is willing to see you regularly to help you with your problem
2006-10-14 6:40 am
You suffer with this diagnosis for almost 2 years so why dont you go and see the doctors earlier. Base on your presentation about your history, I cant say what kind of abdominal problems you have, but I can suggest you go and see some specialist doctors to cure this problem.

Here are some specialist doctors I know and with lots of expert experience. So just call the clinic and schedule an appointment, to make you feel safe, as life is very important as if health.

Dr. Edward LAI / Dr. Peter LAU - specialist in General Surgery
Tel: 2868 9333
Add: 7/F, Pedder Building, 12 Pedder Street, Central

Dr. Nelson KUNG – specialist in Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Tel: 2715 4577
Add: Room 715, 7/F, Jardine House, 1 Connaught Road
參考: self occupation

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