
2006-10-14 5:33 am
對方問我洗唔洗留口信, 如果我話唔需要, 可以點講?

回答 (13)

2006-10-14 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
no,thanks a lot.
2006-10-22 11:13 am
1) It is okay, I will call back later, thanks
2) It is okay, I will give him/her a call on his/her mobile, thanks
2006-10-18 11:05 pm

no, it's okay. Thanks!
2006-10-14 2:14 pm
No, thank you! When is the best time for me to call back?

No, thanks! I will call back later.

No, thanks! I will call back another time.

No, thank you! I will call back tomorrow.
2006-10-14 8:37 am

打︰May I speak to XXX ,please?﹙唔該我想搵XXX﹚
接︰There's no such person here.﹙呢度無呢個人﹚Which number are you calling?﹙你打幾號電話?﹚
接︰Sorry, I think you've got the wrong number.﹙Sorry,我諗你打錯電話﹚

打︰Sorry, I think I've got the wrong number.﹙Sorry,我諗我打錯電話﹚
參考: 網址
2006-10-14 6:38 am
可以對他/她說:Thanking,Does not need the message.
2006-10-14 5:40 am
you could say :

1) No, i will call back later
2) No, Thank you

people would usually say want do they want to do, if they don't want to leave a message. ie. i would call her/ he later ; i got something i'll need to just speak to him/her ... etc
2006-10-14 5:37 am
I have no need to leave a messange. Thanks!
2006-10-14 5:36 am
Would you like to leave a message now and let me tell him to call you back?

Well, it is not necessary and I will call him later. Thanks a lot!
2006-10-14 5:36 am
I dont think so. Thank you.
2006-10-14 5:36 am
1) No need, thankyou.

2) No thanks
2006-10-14 5:36 am
no thanks ^^~
2006-10-14 5:36 am
No, thanks. I will call again later.

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