Would you be upset if your best friend confessed that he or she has a major crush on your sibling?

2006-10-12 7:05 pm
Or, that your sibling has a crush on your best friend? Or, maybe they both like each other and have had something going on without your knowledge?

回答 (7)

2006-10-12 7:12 pm
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I think it's kinda unfair to have issues with a best friend and a loved one just because they've fallen for each other! They didn't ask to be attracted to each other and I think it's kinda good in a way becasue you know your best friend won't hurt or take advantage of your sibling out of respect for you..... and you'd kick them really hard in the shins!!! Count yourself lucky my friend!
2006-10-13 2:44 am
2006-10-13 2:20 am
How cute! And not at all... I think it might be better because you actually know each side reeeally well and can rest relieved =)

Reminds me of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Ginny Weasley. Eheheheh ^_~

Okay, think of it this way: Won't you be happy to have a sister/brother-in-law who's also your best friend?
2006-10-13 2:14 am
no way. love is strange it finds it's way in unusually places
2006-10-13 2:11 am
No im used to it. All my friends liked my brother growing up. We are 2.5 years apart. We both liked eachothers friends in school. We hung out with alot of the same people. Its fine
2006-10-13 2:10 am
No I don't think so... Honestly I think I would be happy because 2 people I love would be together... (assuming they got together)... But no I don't think I would be mad...
2006-10-13 2:08 am
not at all unless you yourself have a crush on your bestfriend lol or sibling which would be odd but hey its a free country

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