what is your feeling ,if you live in Japan?

2006-10-11 10:40 am
Hi all , Im a HK Chinese who live in Japan now, just want to share everybody's feeling who live in Japan My feeling..VeryComplicated. Sometimes I feel Japanese V/nice especailly the older generation ( age above 35 ) . but some young generation always seems to be not very nice , Like Bullying (いじめ) very much I think for Some White people , they might find life very easy in Japan cos as My Observation the younger generation they are quite admire the foreigner from US Uk Fran . For our Chinese we look similar to Japanese as we have same skin Color , sometimes Japanese dont easy find that we are from oversea until we speak up, but once they find it, their face will change a little bit like look down us somehing, I admit that some Chinese who s Manner very bad , but not for everyone, sometimes it Make me feel very sad, As my home town ,it is very fabulous city I think , I m always proud of it. look up to some website , some Japanese think Chinese nation just are same grade as Pig or Monkey

回答 (5)

2006-10-11 10:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I thought Japanese were very polite and friendly but what you say does make sense. You moved from one overcrowded country to another. Maybe the Japanese are feeling crowded and don't want more competition for space and jobs. They see white people and they know we probably aren't going to stay long but will spend lots of money while we're there so they're really nice to us. Come to America. We like Chinese and think all Asians are the same (which does seem to piss off some Japanese people).
2006-10-13 7:47 pm
There are nasty bullies every where ,and a lot in England who think it`s clever to treat people like that, keep around the nice people it doesn`t matter what the others think just remember to think a lot about yourself :) be happy
2006-10-13 1:55 am
oh japan lady soo sexyy
2006-10-11 7:56 pm
Good luck!!
2006-10-11 5:42 pm
Live like the Japanese and adopt their ways. Report the abusive ones to the police so that appropriate actions will be taken.

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