What if the North Koreans nuke Tokyo, then invade South Korea and station most of their army in Seoul?

2006-10-09 5:23 am
We can't nuke Seoul! What in the hell could we do?

They will nuke Tokyo to devastate the world's economy, and they don't care if we nuke Pyongyang.

回答 (19)

2006-10-09 5:44 am
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Nukes only matter as weapons if you don't use them, but convince everybody that you are crazy enough to use them. If he is invaded as Bush threatened then he might launch. Calling North Korea a rogue nation, linked to Iraq as part of an axis of evil and invading Iraq when the UN determined that it had no weapons lit a fire under North Korea. Now what are you going to do? North Korea has shown now that they have some missiles, and some nuclear tech. Are you going to invade now like in Iraq. I think North Korea is scared enough to use their only weapons on whomever they can reach. Now they might want to sit down and negotiate. Iran might have an arsenal soon also. They don't need to make one, their neighbour, PAK might decide to lend them some. Bush and company have apparently threatened PAK as well.
2006-10-09 5:25 am
The radiation will start Godzilla on a rampage.
2006-10-09 5:26 am
If the North Koreans start attacking Seoul the United States would be all over them. South Korea wouldn't come out very well but the United States would kick the **** out of North Korea.

North Korea isn't stupid enough to to that. Kim Jong is just demanding attention because the United States has ignored him.
He is playing his shitty hand the best he can.
2006-10-09 5:26 am
I dunno...lets worry about this all night.
2006-10-09 5:32 am
North Korea has one very big problem with occupying any territory. Armies eat.
2006-10-09 5:30 am
Well first it wont happen, NK knows that if they do that US and China and SK and Japan would all go againist NK...

Especially US and its allies, we all know NATO is going to be pissed, UN will start bitching...

South Korea will moblize its reserves (US also has alot of its forces stationed in SK), China will spank NK and talk to Kim Jung about what happens if you play with big bad toys....


We have WWIII and this will be after George W Bush gets out..
2006-10-09 5:25 am
They wouldn't get that far without getting blown out of the water!!
2006-10-09 5:33 am
How will they transport their weapon to Japan? A friggin bike-cab?
2006-10-09 5:29 am
What makes you think that the world body will let them nuke anyone? I'm guessing that there are and have been people in place to prevent such a horrible thing. And, if not, I'll bet that N. Korea will NEVER make it to Seoul. There won't be a North or South left.
2006-10-09 5:26 am
Why should we do anything? I am not sure if you're american or not, but in my case, I am very tired of america being used to "Police the world", either by our own government or others.

America cannot afford to be in war after war in order to protect other countries. If they cannot protect themselves, perhaps it is simply natural that a more powerful enemy would overtake them.

Why should we risk our lives yet again in korea to protect them?

Do you think if something was happening to america, all these countries would come over to protect us? I have very many doubts about that myself.
2006-10-09 5:27 am
Don't you know we have the Red balloons too?
2006-10-09 5:26 am
Wouldn't happen - NK would be decimated before they even managed to get a strong hold over the border
2006-10-09 5:25 am
Nah. This will not happen. Remember, we have a lot of military bases in Japan - won't take long to ship our troops to Korea.
2006-10-09 6:02 am
And do you know something the entire military industrial complex of the world does not?

North Korea- Paper Tiger. Their nuclear programme is the equivalent of the lab rat pushing the big red button for a piece of cheese.

While not completely benign, the current regime certainly will not be nuking Tokyo any time soon.
2006-10-09 5:31 am
No matter how you slice it, North Korea is a powder keg and could blow at anytime. IF this crazy sucker nukes Japan, you will have a front row seat to WW 3. We as a nation cannot be black mailed or made to bow down to dictators like this nut case. If he was to win, many of the things we take for granted as freedoms, would be long gone. You don't deal with murderers, Terrorists or crazy dictators.

I just hope that when and if he lets the Genie out of the bottle, we have a President with a back bone, and not another Jimmy Carter.
2006-10-09 5:28 am
Carpet-nuke North Korea. It's like the old childrens' song: "Ladybug, ladybug! Fly away home, your house is on fire, and your children are burnting?"
2006-10-09 5:27 am
The Chinese would BE PISSED off and ally with the US to stop the North koreans. Trust me, China aint thrilled about a N. Korea right now
2006-10-09 5:25 am
Then we will have a war in our hand because you know that US is in everyones business.
2006-10-09 5:27 am
nothing. All our troops have been sent to Iraq on a fool' errand and all we can do now is nuke.

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