what`s your best childhood memory??

2006-10-08 12:55 am

or your worst??

回答 (30)

2006-10-08 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
My father. He passed away when I was 15 and I cherish every memory of him.
2006-10-08 7:59 am
having no worries
2006-10-08 7:57 am
My best would be daiting my first love for 3 years. And my worst would be my parents divorce and this kid who is now my ex bf he had a crush on me eversince kindergarten but I was with someone else.
2006-10-08 9:04 am
Well, we were rather poor as children, so we didn't have most of the things other kids had. And that included at Christmas time. One Christmas we had no food and no money to "buy" food. So My Mother & Father and all 7 of us kids were loaded up in the car, and I "guess" we were going to see if we could find a church or some place to
get help so we could eat that night. I remember Mom & Dad drove a long way, but we were turned down by a lot of people. Then my Mother said we should drive back home because it had started snowing, so we did. And when we drove up to the house, there were two really large boxes on our front porch. When My Mom & Dad opened the boxes, One was filled to the top with everything to make a Christmas dinner, and the other box was filled with presents for all of us! That is my best childhood memory...ever.
The "worst?" Was being hungry untill that miricle happened!
參考: experience
2006-10-08 8:04 am
having no worries.
being looked after when i was ill by my parents
going walking with my parents through our local woods.
my mums cooking
so many good family memories,

i just hope my kids remember similar things about me when there asked this question on yahoo answers in about 20 years,
2006-10-08 8:02 am
Spending time out on my grandparents farm.
2006-10-08 7:59 am
I was around 2 years old and I was walking trough the meadow. Grass was twice of my height ... Still remember the smell. I don't know why I remember that.
2006-10-08 7:59 am
seeing that bastard go to the electric chair for what he done to me and my sister.

i suppose that's my best.

The worst is not getting the train set for Christmas, when I was sure I would..

That sucked...
2006-10-08 7:59 am
When my dad would take the long way home from visiting my grandma's house. He would let the windows down, and my siblings and I would enjoy the air blowing on us, from riding down the highway.
2006-10-08 7:57 am
Going to see my grandfather every Sunday on his farm. We would feed the animals, go for what I called "hikes" in the forest and search for Indian artifacts.
2006-10-08 8:11 am
Best was vacations in the mountains (S. Carolina) with my parents. Worse was visiting relatives along the way to the mountains. We would come, without calling ahead, and wake them up at 2-3 AM.
2006-10-08 8:07 am
The best was with everyone in my family were togethor for christmas when i was 5. everyone happy. the worst was the day my gave me up to fostercare 3 weeks later and drove away
參考: personal history
2006-10-08 8:07 am
My dad taking the stabilizers off my bike and running with me till I could ride it by myself I still remember the look on his face and that was 43yrs ago
參考: A loving smile
2006-10-08 8:06 am
dancing with my mom in the kitchen while we cooked and listened to her fav. sound track Xanadu it was lots of fun and now that she has passed away i appreciate it even more

the worst was the day i had to write and read my mom's eulogy
2006-10-08 8:03 am
Snow days, a clean house, pets, good food and security. After I was in 5th grade family life began to suck. It will never be good again.
2006-10-08 8:03 am
Throwing a wooden block at my brothers head and making him cry!! (only cos he use to make my life hell when i was a lil girl!!)
2006-10-08 8:02 am
the smell of roses and hugging my grandmother's knees - she died when i was five and this memory is treasured
nice to have opportnity to think of it - thank you x
2006-10-08 7:56 am
the first time i said a word wich was " pooy"
2006-10-08 7:56 am
Being fed!
2006-10-12 6:15 am
Playing in the garden with my brother, I saw some dog poo on the grass which had turned white and told my brother it was a bon bon sweet, he picked it up and started to eat it, i couldnt stop lauthing until he told my mom and i got a smack, we still laugh about it now.
2006-10-11 10:51 pm
Growing up and getting up to all the kiddy things we used to do... sorry mum for making dough out of baby powder and baby cream...
2006-10-10 4:18 am
Babling and sucking the fingers......am i ryt?
2006-10-08 9:22 pm
My worst was having my Grandad hit me over the knuckles with his leather belt. I got it for swearing at my mum. I remember it as if it was yesterday but it was in the 1970's.
2006-10-08 6:03 pm
Spending time with my dad as he worked on a farm so I didn't see that much of him in the harvest. He would be home after I went to bed and would go to work before I got up so it was great in the summer being able to go to see him at work. Now he is retired now and not in good health so it's nice to remember when he was well.
2006-10-08 3:37 pm
when my bother and i made a swing on the lamp post and we would be on it all day ,he is 49 and i am 47 we still laugh about it now memories
2006-10-08 10:12 am
My divorced mom cooking all three meals for us 4 kids she raised on her own, so we could always eat together.
2006-10-08 8:27 am
My Dad teaching me to make and fly a kit for some reason that image is as clear as day. He did this unexpectedly. Maybe that it why it was such a thrill as I hadn't any thoughts before that time of learning to fly a kit.
My worst memory was dreaming about my Dad dying two weeks before it actually happened.
The night that he did die by an accident when I was 9 years old. I saw the whole thing over and over everytime I tried to sleep although that night we only knew that Dad hadn't come home yet.
2006-10-08 8:16 am
my worst childhood memory was smoking my first cigaret when i was 5 but i didnt know any better but after that i never smoked again cuse i got yelled at and i love Ben I.
2006-10-08 7:57 am
Getting lots of cuddles and kisses from pretty girls because I was "CUTE". If only I had a time machine.
參考: emphasis on the 'was'
2006-10-08 7:56 am
getting $ from parents.

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