My best friend died six months ago and I am just now realizin it. What should I do to get rid of my feelings?

2006-10-04 3:44 am

回答 (10)

2006-10-04 3:48 am
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there's not much you can do you probably just escaped from your feelings for these past 6 months and now they are here full force if they get too bad seek counseling and at least talk with friends or family just don't keep it inside the feelings won't go away but they will subside over time believe it or not
2006-10-04 10:50 am
I'm really sorry. It's hard to lose anyone that you love. It stinks but the only way to deal with your feelings is to have patience and let time do it's trick. Have a good cry, or several if you need to. The only other thing I can tell you from experience is to not let your grief stop you from living your own life. Good luck.
2006-10-04 10:47 am
It's hard......very's nearly impossible to get rid of the feelings.......
2006-10-04 10:47 am
allow yourself to feel them so that you can get over them. Dont try to "drink them away" or something else like that. Counseling can help too. Good luck, take care
2006-10-04 12:57 pm
get some pictures, video,anything ,cry,remember that person,laught at the good times you had with that person,and in the end go to the semetary with a picture of that person and put it under ground,you dont have to forget that person but when you put that picture under the ground your leaving that person there with a promise never to forget them but to move on like they'd want you to,
2006-10-04 11:08 am
i am so sorry for your loss. Think about your good times and know you will always have those memories. Time will make it better for you. It's OK to cry and be angry and sad . The day will come when the hurt starts to ease. Until then pray and ask for strength. God Bless You.
2006-10-04 10:56 am
My BFF died 5+ years ago and I still haven't gotten over it.

I don't think you can ever get completely over the death of a loved one because they are so much a part of you.

I don't dwell on it because I can not change her fate. Though, I don't hinder mine because of it. Even-though we were planning on growing old together and be the little old ladies that you see walking the mall... All you can do is to remember the good times and go on.

When you halt your own life because of a tragic event, not only are you disrespecting yourself by ignoring your life, but you are also disrespecting your friend. They would not want you to live the rest of your life in depression.

What do I do?

I let myself cry until the feeling has passed and then move on. I take the time to grieve and then honor her memory by living my life to the fullest and hope that where ever she is, she is proud of what I have accomplished. For she will always be with me in heart, mind, and spirit.
參考: Welcome to my life.
2006-10-04 10:55 am
Why in the world would you want to get rid of your feelings about your best friend dying? Seems pretty shallow to me. You should remember you friend and think of all the fun times you had with them.
2006-10-04 10:51 am
you need to grieve and get in touch with your feeling s.
Remember the good times and forget the bad times .
Let your self feel all the emotions that go with death .
Shock ,grief anger ,denial and finally acceptance .
It will all work out .
The only thing left that you will have are happy memories .
2006-10-04 10:50 am
trust that your friend is in a better place.

just remember all the good times you guys had, and all the memories that you have and will keep forever. :)

I had a friend pass away recently, too...

I miss him a lot sometimes and think about what it would be like if he were still in my life, and other days its just as if he's living in another country...

it'll get easier with time. its not bad to hurt.

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