Girlfriend wants to clean up my eyebrows what is it and does that mean girly shaped or what is this normal?

2006-10-01 3:57 am

回答 (18)

2006-10-01 4:00 am
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This just means you have some "stray hairs" that do not fit into the shape of your eyebrows. It is normal and makes the face look cleaner. She shouldn't turn it into a feminine shape unless she does not know what she is doing and plucks out too many.
2006-10-01 4:17 am
Maybe she is tired of looking at your uni-brow. You know that there is supposed to be two eyebrows. Not one long fuzzy caterpillar.
2006-10-01 4:11 am
well, ask her if you can go to the local beauty salon-chances are they have someone there who can wax your brows. Tell the waxer before what you want, and (knowing you're a guy) they'll probably do a great job. Ask your girlfriend where she gets her brows done, she'll most likely have some suggestions. (Take a tylenol before going, it'll sting a little.) And no, that would not mean girly shaped. It would probably go to a kind of Brad Pitt look-totally handsome. Good Luck! :)
2006-10-01 4:09 am
Most likely she wants you to lose the "Monobrow" or as stated above the "cave man look." The monobrow is one eyebrow and when someone has one, it means, usually, at least in the back of our minds, "unintelligent." Why, because that's what we associate with cavemen.

By separating them she will give your face "2 sides" and being "UNIFORM" on both sides of your face is WHAT IS CONSIDERED ATTRACTIVE. By having a single brow, or eyebrows that are out of whack, you do not show your best face. People get lost looking at you because their eye does not know where to stop looking. Its like going into a really, busy room with lots and lots of bright colors, you look and look and you feel uncomfortable, because your eyes don't have one spot they can't "rest" on. The rest of the room just keeps dragging their vision around the room.
2006-10-01 4:09 am
I wouldn't let my g/f pluck my eyebrows hell no. If she don't like it to bad
2006-10-01 4:08 am
I'm guessing you have a case of monobrow that she'd like to fix. Make sure you communicate to her that you don't want your brows to be girly in any way shape or form. I'm sure she just wants to neaten them up, you should be fine.
2006-10-01 4:07 am
unless you look like the cavemen from the geico commercial...


LOL someone get this guy a pizza and a beer STAT...

It's one little thing after another man haha. Ask her to change one little thing about HER face and see if she doesn't burst into tears...

It's NFL week 5 tomorrow! Now crack open that beer, pop in a Bruce Willis movie and belch and fart the night away man
2006-10-01 4:07 am
Maybe she thinks you resemble the guys on the commercial for GEICO?
2006-10-01 4:05 am
She'd probably just like to see the maggots combed out.
2006-10-01 4:05 am
She probably thinks the hairs are too long, which I confess is a bit unattractive. Run a comb over them and trim the long ones that poke out. I don't know if it's weird for guys to tweeze the unruly ones, but if you do, we won't tell! No, don't go for the girly thin eyebrows. just use what you have and the existing shape, and "tame" them for her viewing pleasure. And if that doesn't do the trick, ask her to help you! Good luck!
2006-10-01 4:02 am
She probably wants to pluck or wax your stray hairs or to get rid of your "unibrow" if you have one. She won't give you a girly shape because she wants you to like it so you will do it again. Let her do it... if you don't like it, it will grow back.

Good luck....
2006-10-01 4:02 am
Let her...obviously she thinks they need a little work...nobody wants to date someone with a uni brow.
2006-10-01 4:01 am
O_O is ur girl pro or wht. why does she want to do tht anyway?
dun let her do tht if shes not a pro. u never know wht u will end up lookin like. normally for boys, ppl juz plug away the 'untidy' hair, so tht ur brow will hav a better shape.but i duno wht ur girl wants to do wif ur brow... so gd luck lol
2006-10-01 4:01 am
your eyebrows r prolly bushy buh its alrite its not that all females do it. its ok it doesnt mean anything. not no personal meaning.
2006-10-01 4:00 am
If she's going to do your eyebrows, make sure she doesn't do them too thin, otherwise it will look girly. The best thing is thick, yet neat look.
2006-10-01 4:00 am
lol u need to calm down its not a big deal she just thinks you need a little grooming on your eyebrows!! lol ahhh ur funny
2006-10-01 3:59 am
likely she wants to get you away from the caveman look.
2006-10-01 4:00 am
Girly shaped with a bit of an arch. She also may be referring to any excess eyebrow that needs to be plucked and any between your eyes.

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