What food you hate the most?

2006-09-25 4:04 am
Myself, some things to list: Head Cheese, fruit cake, licorice, pig feet, chitterlings.

Sardines, how can I forget about that! I won't even touch it because it smells!

回答 (26)

2006-09-25 4:24 am
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Everything you already listed and:
Brussells Sprouts
Any internal organ or skin, I just eat muscles
2006-09-25 12:40 pm

And anything cherry.

2006-09-25 12:15 pm
squash, peas, liver, olives, mushroom
2006-09-25 11:46 am
Any type of organ meat.
2006-09-25 11:34 am
Blue Cheese Dressing
Miracle Whip (salad dressing) give me mayo any day
Hamburger Helper

tomato soup
2006-09-25 11:30 am
um i hate brussel sprouts there so vile and i hate black licorice
2006-09-25 11:28 am
2006-09-25 11:27 am
I don't like having to eat canned vegetables. They taste awful. I especially hate canned green peas. I prefer fresh vegetables.
2006-09-25 11:18 am
Anything anise/licorice/fennel flavored. And any form of squash. Same with my husband.
2006-09-25 11:17 am
Bratwurst, susage and kielbasy
2006-09-25 11:15 am
I don't like peas in a can but can eat peas from the garden.
2006-09-25 11:14 am
Well, bananas are on the top of my "NO" list.

This is thanks to my sister. When we were little, she enjoyed picking on us boys. She would steal my brother's teddy-bear and threaten to spank it, so he would cry. Me, she would chase around the house, threatening to make me eat a banana. I never learned to like them after that.
參考: Lumps of Life.
2006-09-25 11:14 am
i cant stand yellow onions. red onions are okay, though. i also dont eat meatloaf because my mom made it five days a week when i was growing up, so i got so sick of it that as an adult i refuse to eat it at all.
2006-09-25 11:13 am
Any animal organs, chicken and dumplings, fish, nothing greasy either.
2006-09-25 11:13 am
anything that is PIG or any meat besides turkey or chicken...............................................
2006-09-25 11:12 am
2006-09-25 11:11 am
I hate peas, the smell of them make me ill.
2006-09-25 11:11 am
peas, brussel sprouts and cauliflower
2006-09-25 11:11 am
Same here, I hate indian curry. It burns my stomach crazy.
2006-09-25 11:11 am
Liver, and mainly any kind of red meat.
2006-09-25 11:11 am
fruit cake.... its yuck az....
ne animal organs i wont eat ne of that
brussle sprouts
2006-09-25 11:09 am
I despise, pork (and all associated pork products), fish, any condiment other than ketchup... pretty much anything that comes from the ocean, grapefruit, diet anything, tomatoes, and... scrambled eggs! There's a lot more but, I won't wast your time listing them all...

(I also don't like pate... but I thought would go without saying)
2006-09-25 11:09 am
I hate coconut and coffee...
2006-09-25 11:08 am
I can't stand onions or anything related to onions. Most peppers I can't deal with either, except hot ones, don't know why I only like them.
2006-09-25 11:06 am
Indian curry!

I like asian curry, though. The stuff from India just doesn't set with me. lol
2006-09-25 11:06 am
beacon... i also hate fruit cake.... rice....

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