How do I suppose to get good at getting better grades?

2006-09-24 12:51 am

回答 (14)

2006-09-24 12:56 am
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Try taking a remedial English class to start.
Read out loud from the newspaper for 1 hour everyday.
Get the basics first then take classes slow until you improve with writing and comprehension.
The grades and learning will improve once you have the basics down.
2006-09-24 1:38 am
Study your lesson/s, concentrate, focus your attention to your studies, be attentive to your teacher not to any other things that will tend to disrupt your concentration and deviate your attention to other things, but if you've been doing good in school, then it is something that you should be happy about...It is YOU...!!!

You should enjoy what you reap from your harvest because you have toiled the land so much. Well, since you have been studying a lot to get good grades, it is something that you should be proud of and feel happy about. Its unique in YOU..!!!

Remember, that not all people who had been studying a lot, get good grades. Others were using all means like their own dirty tactics and strategies just to get good grades and be known in school. YOU are important and YOU are special...YOU should be valued and loved by your parents and your significant others...the world loves you including me...

The world needs people who are good in all aspects...STRIVE to be HAPPY...remember that you are the only one with these kind of qualities, capabilities, potentials, talents, roles and personality...nobody duplicates YOU...!!!

FEEL GOOD my dear...!!!
參考: Its from my own learnings and what i've experienced in school.
2006-09-24 1:05 am
Read more often to increase your vocab and improve you grammar. Pick books that will be challenging, but not overwhelming. Look up any words you don't know, and try to memorize at least ten a week.

Also, study all your subjects every night. You don't have to spend hours and hours every night, but just a little review of what you've learned so far in class (maybe 10 to 15 minutes per subject) will really help you rember what you learned, and you'll always be ready for pop quizzes if you get them.

Study in a place where you can easily focus, like a library or another quiet room with no distractions.

Also, take breaks when you need them. If you study all at once, you won't remember as much of what you learn. Don't take breaks that are too long though, or you won't want to get back to work. Try between 5-15 minutes every once in a while. And whatever you do...



Good luck!
2006-09-24 1:04 am
Most important thing is concentration---if you listen to a teacher, or are taking a test, you must block out every other distraction around you. Ditto if you are reading a book, or your textbook.

Also---look at your birth order. If you are an only child, you have a terrific advantage in this area, because you have had to observe and communicate with adults from the very beginning.
If you are a middle or a last child, you will have to work much harder to concentrate on scholarly things, because you are skilled at socializing and dealing with and paying attention to all the people around you. Great life-skills, but this is school, and for grades you must be very focussed and attentive to what the teachers and the textbooks are telling you---NOT what your fellow students are doing and saying.
2006-09-24 1:02 am
Actually a better question is...WHY aren't u getting better grades? u need to understand urself it because u are easily distracted by TV, friends? is it because u think the subject is boring? is it because u don't know the good habits of studying or how to approach learning new material? once u figured out what makes u different from a person who gets good grades, then u will find a solution. and don't let urself ever think that u just aren't smart enough...that's not true...think of the thousands of people who go through the same classes ur taking and do well. if they can do it u can too.
2006-09-24 1:01 am
You can get better grades by not studying at home. However, you have to really pay attention during the time you start school until you school ends. This includes studying and doing homework during lunches or any breaks you might have inbetween classes, even if they are just 2 minutes long. In other words, Study like crazy at school, relax at home.
2006-09-24 1:00 am
Become nerdier... it's not fun, and ur friends might find it weird that ur studying more often (assuming u tell them), but u just gotta do what u gotta do. A's don't just appear on the report card--u have to work hard for them. And u gotta be determined.
But try not to stress too much. Don't think of all the things u have to do at once--take it one class at a time. For example, instead of freaking out cus u have four tests in one day, just focus on each test as u go to that class. That way u don't feel overwhelmed. Take the same approach to studying/homework. (Make a list and check things off as u do them if that helps).
And yes, all the work will pay off in the end when ur grades improve :-)
~Good luck!
參考: I have several AP classes...
2006-09-24 12:59 am
Study 2 hours for every hour you are in that class.
2006-09-24 12:57 am
Study and pay attention in class
2006-09-24 12:56 am
Read as recreation not just because it's homework. This will improve your grammar and keep your mind functioning. Also, listen to classical music while you're doing homework and keep the tv off so you can truely focus.

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