what does it mean when e mail is sent back to you saying over quota?

2006-09-20 1:34 am

回答 (6)

2006-09-20 1:37 am
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Oh this happens to me all the time. I have Road Runner cable modem internet and the e-mail volume that you can have is very, very small. When they say you are overquota, it means you have to start deleting sent mail, trash, etc., until you get your volume down to their teeny tiny limit.
2006-09-20 1:51 am
are you sending it from your yahoo email add? if you are, the problem is not yours. your yahoo has an inbox capacity of 1Gb which is wow a lot. you can wait years if you are just using this for personal use before it gets full. but yahoo set a limit as to how many times and how many receipients you can send email in a day. if you receive a message saying you have exceeded the number of times you send email in a day, then you have to wait til the next day. now, depending on the error you are getting. if it says something that the recipient is over quota then your recipients mailbox is full....

got it?
2006-09-20 1:43 am
The person you sent it to mailbox is full. They need to delete some.
2006-09-20 1:41 am
It usually means the recipient's mailbox capacity is over the limit; therefore, the remote email system automatically rejects the email. Nothing is wrong on your end. I'm an email admin, and I have seen this all the time. Are you sending any attachment? If yes, I would check the size of the attachment and make sure your email system allows sending out email of such size. Many companies restrict the size of outgoing emails for security reasons.
2006-09-20 1:39 am
It may mean that the recipient's mailbox is full. Many email programs have limits on how many messages can be received before the mail has to be retrieved. It is possible the person you sent it to had not gone to their inbox in a while and had accumulated too many messages. This problem will clear up as soon as they go to read their mail, so try again later.

If you want to see how this works, don't go into your email inbox for a few days. You will probably get an email from your ISP saying that you have exceeded your limit. Just going to real your mail will fix the problem. AOL and Yahoo are different, where the mail is stored on a remote server; there you have an overall limit you have to watch, and if you exceed it you have to start deleting messages.
參考: No animals or plants were harmed in the answering of this question. Any similarity with any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. This answer contains a substance known by the state of California to cause excessive moronic stupidity. Use with adequate ventilation.
2006-09-20 1:36 am
like its forwarded to someone else besides you .

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