A Wonder Woman movie is in the works. Who do you should play her in the live-action movie version?

2006-09-14 12:55 pm

回答 (23)

2006-09-14 1:09 pm
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A tall and nothing less than gorgeous no-name actress so she'll be a slave to the role forever unlike certain actresses that became too snobbish for her britches <cough> Halle Berry <cough>.

Yes, I am jesting... but only a little bit. :-D

The problem I have with picking only established actors/actresses for certain roles is that producers will obviously attempt to turn Wonder Woman into a franchise and extremely well-known actors flake out at the worst times and tend to have zero humility.

There's an unfortuate push-pull relationship between getting a popular actor for a role and then keeping them.
2006-09-14 5:55 pm
The actress has already been picked to play wonder woman and it's a very good choice. It's Morena Baccarin. She played Inara in Firefly and Serenity.
2006-09-14 12:59 pm
Jessica Alba
2006-09-14 1:53 pm
Katherine Hiegl
2006-09-14 1:53 pm
Angelina Jolie
2006-09-14 1:14 pm
Jessica Alba has already starred in The Fantastic Four. So she couldn't be considered. I think that Jennifer Garner could do that role. Otherwise an unknown actress would be my choice. Just like Brandon Routh who starred in Superman Returns.
2006-09-14 1:11 pm
Jessica Alba doesn't have the Amazon-Greek-AllAmerican look and feel that should grace WonderWoman just as in the comics. The TV show never justified her sex. Someone like Bobby Philips, Jen Connelly or Krista Allen fit the bill perfectly, and oh yes, Blondes need not apply- if they do it'll be a relative flop like Superman Returns (whoever heard of a whispy haired Lois Lane, or a barely visible Superman logo on the chest? And it was supposed to be the Man of Tomorrow, the movie was like the Man of Yesterday...I suppose it would've been ok as a standalone movie without reference to the mythology, emphasis on ok in lowercase)

Sorry about the last bit of rambling, I needed to get that out of my system...
If you want to check anyone listed here goto IMDB.com and do a name search.
Hope this helps, and that Warner Bros makes it work like Batman Begins!
2006-09-14 1:05 pm
Jennifer Connelly would be a very attractive Wonder Woman and someone whom I could see as being believable as a serious Wonder Woman.

I guess it depends on what kind of story line they write for her. I wonder if they'd try humanizing her with relationship problems. I'd be bothered if it turns out to be another Halle Berry "Catwoman" movie.
2006-09-14 1:05 pm
I think they should get a relative unknown. Joss Whedon's writing should prove to be amazing and it is best if they let his story define the role instead of a specific actress. Much like Linda Carter was defined by the character in the TV series instead of Linda Carter defining the character.
2006-09-14 1:09 pm
I think Lucy Lawless who played Xena, Warrior Princess would be the best choice. But from what I understand they are doing the story based on a younger version of Wonder Woman in which case I would say maybe Katie Holmes. Katie looks a lot like a younger version of Lynda Carter.

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