how do u get rid of a key logger? n what exactly is it?

2006-09-10 4:04 am
i have been told that the guy who took over my msn was a key logger i dont know what that is or what they can do to my computer exactly.. if u could help me get rid of him that would b great!

回答 (17)

2006-09-10 7:27 am
2006-09-10 4:33 am
Wow, people are really ignorant on this forum (the people who answered)

A keylogger is a application which is installed via by user or thru a trojan, Its main purpose is to capture everything you type on the keyboard or thru the vitural keyboard. And if it is a advanced one it can email the person who orginally designed it/customized it to do so.

There are a few ways to remove it, if your lucky try scanning your computer with a ad-ware/antivirus and see if it is deteced, some good ones are Ad-aware, Spybot and Trend Micro and panda (Free online scans) and also AVG for a permant Antivirus solution.

You can also try disabling startup items to see if the Keylogger will be disabled from working. Also, if it is a retail keylogger try uninstalling it from the Add/Remove Panel.

If all else fails, change your passwords (you should do this anyway if it does work) and quickly restore your Operating system to its default state (e.g. the way it was orginaly sold to you)
2015-02-10 4:54 am
Greetings. My name's Sanjay Patel, and I currently hold an honorary Master's degree in the field of Computer Science. I am aware of, and have personal knowledge related to your question. There are computer maintenance businesses which are probably in your area, however they come at the cost of hiring a professional to enter your home. There may also be some local destinations where you can drop off your computer and wait to have a technician look at it. These options can often be costly, and pretty inconvenient. The answer to this question can probably be found doing a little extra research on Google.

A well-running computer can be a hard thing to maintain. From my experience, there is but only One software which is reputable- and consistently reliable for healing sick, slow computers. Reimage™ is a world-renown, easy to use software designed by Forensic scientists and made for the average person. This thing will fix literally just about ANY problem you could possibly be having with your PC. Reimage was recommended to me by a Professor during my 2nd year of Graduate school.
參考: Reimage™ -
2016-04-21 6:39 pm
I am a professional developer with Microsoft, and have about 10 years of experience in the field of Computer Engineering. Most problems with PC's are the result of malicious software that infected a Computer. Examples of this are things such as malware, viruses, trojans, spyware, adware, root kits, and worms. In other cases, they are the result of stability issues due to crashes, freezes, or Hardware Issues. Some examples of hardware issues could be a dirty cooling fan causing the computer to overheat, or low memory due to lack of RAM, which could cause the PC to run slowly. You may think it could be a virus, or malware, or registry issues, but it could be something else entirely. As a computer layman, one may find it hard to really ascertain what exactly is causing the problems, without having a professional do an in depth analysis of your PC.

As professional computer repairs can be quite costly, I would recommend to you a Software that many of us in the tech department here at Microsoft use personally and professionally to diagnose and repair computer problems very quickly. It is a software called Reimage, from .. In my personal experience, and in the experience of many of my associates, this is probably the best software ever created for those experiencing computer troubles. This is likely to remedy just about ANY problem your computer could possibly be having, and have it running like new. Reimage has won several awards, and been featured in publications such as PC Mag.
參考: Personal Experience with
2016-02-27 11:17 pm
How Do You Get Rid Of A Key Logger That Records Your Keystrokes? --
2016-08-23 6:30 pm
It takes 7 seconds for the YAnswers questions to load for me to be able to click on the [add your answer] box. is my laptop slow?
2016-08-09 2:39 am
I'm interested in this
2016-03-17 11:07 pm
Unless you have already done so, you should scan your compuer using programs such as:- Ad-Aware Spybot Search & Destroy CW Shredder There is also a very good Yahoo Group that you should consider joining. It is called pcuserstalktech and Its members are knowledgeable in PC matters. P.S. CW Shedder is better at dealing with Keyloggers but the other two can be used to clean up anything that is left.
2006-09-10 10:53 am
hi, perhaps you can try norton to remove the virus and protect your PC. but you need to pay for that.

i recommand you to use firefox with Google toolbar. firefox can disable all virus to run, because the virus can only run on IE.

besides, firefox can block any any poppus and disable any virus and adware, spyware on webpage, so, firefox is much safer than IE. as you know, most of the virus is spread throught internet and webpage.

firefox is much smaller than IE, so i run faster than IE.

download firefox for free:

Best Wishes && Good Luck!
2006-09-10 5:09 am
Keyloggers is basically a virus. Logs all the things you type and emails you send and a print screen of what you view periodically.
Use Adaware SE to remove it and maintain your PC
Use AVG Free Edition for antivirus protection to help your existing antivirus (from what it doesnt find) or use for primary protection.
參考: Self Experienced PC Tech
2006-09-10 4:37 am
Well a key logger records every keystroke made on a computer. That makes your passwords sit in a log file somewhere in plain text. If he got your MSN account, he probably has some other things too. Change your passwords. If you do any actual bank or credit accounts on that computer he may have passwords to them as well. Like I said, they record everything you type.

Now how to get rid of it. First you have to find it, and that is the real trick. There are a couple of types.

There are hardware ones that plug into the computer somewhere. They normally go in the USB or PS2 ports, but they could be inside the box on your motherboard. He would have had to have physical access to your computer to do this, but these are very professional and really hard to detect without actually looking. They are usually pretty simple to pick out if you look at the inside of computers all the time, but the average person wouldn't notice.

There are also software ones that send the log file out though the Internet or keep it in a text file on the hard drive. These are much more common. Most of the time these get labeled viruses and a virus scan will find it--but not always. (he could have written his own) There would be something in the start up somewhere to activate it. I can think of so many places to look here that there really is not an easy way to tell you to find it. It would probably show up in HijackThis. Do a search and you will find the program. You can save a log file and post it several places on the Internet where you can get help.

You really may need to have someone professional look at it. There is not a quick or easy way to get it and to be sure you got it. You could format the drive and start over, but if you never found it you wouldn't know for sure it was software.
2006-09-10 4:18 am
A key logger is a computer program that is put on your machine, possibly through something you downloaded. It logs your keystrokes while you are online and they are read by the person who put it on there. By logging your keystrokes he can tell what sites you visit, passwords you log in with, credit card numbers. Need I say more?
If you don't have a good antivirus program, get one, and don't go online any more until you have installed and run it. Start your computer in safe mode to install and run if the program will not boot up your computer.
Once you get that done, change your passwords.
2006-09-10 4:13 am
A key logger is a person who uses a virus to secretly enter it into your system.

It keeps track of what you type. And sends it back to the hacker.
Hence this is called a key logger.

How to stay safe:

1) Use virus scan: Norton Virus Scan ; or McAfee Virus Scan.
Only those two I suggest. You should buy or use the tril version on their official site only.
2) Any passwords / account information should be changed...
ex: Mail password, change it to something else. For windows users, use the onscreen keyboard.

[i]<i> To find the onscreen keyboard go to Start Menu -> Program Files -> Accessories -> Accessibility -> On-Screen Keyboard.</i>[/i]

You can just change it on a different comp too if you want.
If you need more help...just tell me.
2006-09-10 4:12 am
run your virus scan and also Spybot search and destroy... a keylogger records every keystroke you make on your computer...
2006-09-10 4:12 am
Delete the account if you can. You should also try some type of spyware protector. A keylogger moniters what you do on your computer and tracks websites you visit etc.
2006-09-10 4:12 am
Not sure how to get rid of it. But keylogger is a program on the computer that records everything you type. All your screen names and passwords and anything you type on here, in word, in chat rooms, records all infomration you type when you fill out online credit card apps, or any online application for that matter. Its usually what parents use to keep an eye on what their kids are doing on the computer. Or what a jealous wife/hubby uses to spy on their spouce.
2006-09-10 4:12 am
key loggers keep track of every key you type and some of them even take a "snapshot" of the screen. they are designed to run in the background without your knowledge and most good ones can only be removed by the one who installed them.
some virus' use them to catch your name and passwords for everything. you effectively have an unlocked back door that someone can use to see who and where you have been online.
many companys use them and so do suspicious spouses or parents. good luck
2006-09-10 5:53 am
A key logger is a computer program that is put on your machine, possibly through something you downloaded. It logs your keystrokes while you are online and they are read by the person who put it on there. By logging your keystrokes he can tell what sites you visit, passwords you log in with, credit card numbers. Need I say more?
If you don't have a good antivirus program, get one, and don't go online any more until you have installed and run it. Start your computer in safe mode to install and run if the program will not boot up your computer.
Once you get that done, change your passwords.

I have a legal and moral obligation to keep my pc 100% clean. And I use an antivirus/spyware program out of Beijing, China. -- This program has kept me 100% clean for the past nine years.
Twister Anti-Trojan Virus is absolute state of the art technology that has a real time scanner
that really works. Will scan your memory on start up and continues to run in the background
while you use your pc. Plus this software uses very little CPU resources.
Some examples of how great this program is. If you open a webpage and there is a virus or
spyware embedded in the webpage the scanner will catch the virus in a second and clean.
If you download any type of file including music or a zip file and there is hidden embedded
virus in the file the download will stop and the Twister will clean and stop the download.
I had an experience where the software I download the company used another installer other
then their own. The installer had hidden embedded virus in the installer program.Twister found it and cleaned, plus ended the installation and traced it back to the installer software.
(I wrote the original software company and they now use their own installer).
What is really great is that you only pay a small one time fee for life. You will get frequent
large signature updates,excellent support and they never charge you for any new versions.
There are many other features as auto downloads, and the ability to fix all type of problems with your registry or windows.
The chinese don't believe in the annual fee or paying of new versions like most of the other software companies want to be paid over and over for the original purchase.

I use Zone Alarm free firewall ( As a backup even though I have ADSL.I use ewido antispyware / malware. --Ewido was purchased by AVG. Ewido is free and will protect you from rogue dialers.

Also,you can use:

anti spyware blocker
spybot search & destory
spyware blaster

Windows Defender

anti spyware firewall<<<this runs with zonealarm it is a antispyware wall and is ok to run with all firewalls

15day free try
ZoneAlarm internet security suite
all in one firewall / anti virus/ anti spyware
no1 auto virus killer that will kill off a virus
as the virus try to download on to your system
when you open your explorer and search on the net
there are virus on websire that will auto download
this all in one firewall/anti virus/anti spyware
will kill the download link fast and auto kill the virus

not free
ad-aware se professional 1.06 /ad-watch
ad-watch block's all pop ups

not free
ewido anti-spyware 4.0

not free
spyware doctor

not free
XoftSpy 4.22 is the Latest and Most Advanced Spyware Detection and
pop up spyware
Browser Hijackers
back door trojans
Malicious mobile code
toolbar trojans that dont show up

download xoftspy422 and install it then run it stop the scan and click on scan settings tick every box and click on where it says>>click here to select a folder then tick the (c) thats your hard drive if you have 2 hard drives tick the 2 of them then click ok then click start when the scan is done click on remove tab.

all of them are the best among the best


Anti-Virus:AVG Free:
Anti-Spyware:Ad-Aware SE:
Firewall:ZoneAlarm Firewall

I suggest using Online Armor.You can search it on Yahoo! or Google.I also suggest using McAfee Site Advisor,it has information about the websites that you go

For safe browsing, you can use Mozilla Firefox which is available at

Don't use Super Anti Spyware,it has spyware in it.

For online AV scan, try the websites below:
GFI E-mail Security Testing –
Port Scan Security Check -
Shields UP! -
Sygate Online Services -
VMon -
Panda ActiveScan Security Check -
Online Malware Scan -
eTrust AntiVirus Web Scanner -
BitDefender Free Online Virus Scan -
Symantec Security Check -
For online spyware,malware & trojan scan:
Trend Micro Anti-Spyware For The Web
X-Cleaner Online Spyware Scanner
SpywareInfo Online Spyware Scanner
Ewido-Anti Spyware and Anti Malware Solution
Tenebril Online Spyware Scan
Trend Micro Free Online Scan
Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool
FutureSoft: Online Malware Scan
Free Online Trojan Scanner

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