How to remove "green eye" from photos?

2006-09-09 7:29 pm
Whenever I take pics of my cat and dog, my dog's eyes turn out some stange shade of bright green and my cats eyes r fiery orange.....they rnt "red eye" so how do I fix this or what program should i use?

回答 (6)

2006-09-09 7:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I use picasa from goggle, and I take hundred of pix from my animal which I love so can work real good with this software, its easy and very user friendly...go download it, and you be doing it in a few minutes....I also retouch all other pic from the family...
2006-09-09 7:31 pm
The red eye reduction function should help. It is the reflection of the retina from animal to caused green eye, similar to red eye for human.

You can also make software adjustment after taking the picture with Photoshop. Select the green eyes area and desaturate the color to turn the eye to black color.
2006-09-09 8:08 pm
They are "red eye". Red eye is a reflection off the retina of your subject. Animals have a different color retina than us.
2006-09-09 7:40 pm
If your camera has a red-eye reduction feature, use it. You can also fix red eye in most image editing programs by zooming in on the eye, applying a mask to the red area, and then using the color-reduction tools in the image editing software that you like to use. The idea is to remove color and shift to gray. People don't notice the gray nearly as much as they do red! You might also wish to darken the area inside the mask a bit, that can also help.
2006-09-09 7:35 pm
Regular red eye reduction should work on your camera. Or, use your image software red eye eliminator. Or, clone or paint a small bit of a dark shade at about 50% opacity over the offending part of the image. Working at very high magnification is helpful when cloning or painting. Keep SOME of the white highlight from the center of the pupil, or it will look fake.
2006-09-09 7:32 pm
crop it

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