why has my hair stopped growing fast?

2006-09-09 6:49 am
it used to grow really fast where it used to be almost down to my butt.but about 3 years ago i cut it to my neck and it has just now passed my shoulders a little.

Im only 17

回答 (16)

2006-09-09 9:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
It may be because of stress or lack of sleep. If you wanna make it grow faster, Here's what you gotta do:

1. Get a vitamin E capsule (most of them comes in gel capsule form that has a liquid inside. Any brand will do.)
2. Get a needle and pop the capsule.
3. Now get your shampoo bottle and put the liquid vitamin E inside the bottle.
4. Mix the bottle.
5. Use your shampoo.

You'll notice that your hair will grow faster compared before. Trust me, this works. :) I also do this myself. :)

If you have virgin coconut oil at home, you can use this as well. Put it on hair and leave it for at least 30 minutes (You can do this at least 3x a day). Then rinse it off using your shampoo. The VCO can act as your hair lengthener and as your conditioner. :) Goodluck! :) (Refer to my avatar to see how well VCO/Vitamin E works =P)
2006-09-09 6:51 am
it could be a change in eating that is effecting the growth . . .
2006-09-09 6:51 am
dats y....
y'd u cut it that short...
2016-05-17 8:33 am
The hair is not just a part of your body and it is a symbol of beauty, status and health. It is important for you to take proper care of your health in order to prevent early hair loss. Learn here https://bitly.im/aMKAh It is not a very serious problem and with a little bit of caution you will be able to prevent further hair loss. There are certain uncontrollable factors like pregnancy conditions or certain illness or genetic factors that will result in hair loss. But, this does not mean that you cannot do something about your hair loss.
2016-03-27 3:41 pm
That same exact thing happened to me. I used to wear my hair up ALL THE TIME because i hated it. for lots of different people, it's different.. with my hair, my hair tends to fall out a lot when i wear it up so much. (like in the shower LOTS of my hair falls out. it can get kinda freaky.) and it's deffinitely not healthy to leave your hair up all the time (i learned that the hard way.) so it doesn't COMPLETELY make it stop growing, it just takes a little longer because it's not as healthy as it would be if you left it down. haha.. hope i helped a little! also, for different people it's all different. some people's hair grows REALLY fast, and some people's hair grows realyl slow. so you never know.
2006-09-10 3:25 pm
GNC has a supplement called "Nourishair" that makes the hair grow faster, you can read what's in it by googling it.
Also ProCaps labs sells a "hair skin and nails" formula that does the same thing, supports hair growth and health
If you take only Biotin alone, make sure you take at least 2.5 milligrams or 2500 micrograms [the same thing] a day because thats' a good amount to take. I use the Nourshair supplement from GNC now and my hair is growing faster than it did, but it took about 6 to 8 weeks of daily use to see results.
2006-09-09 6:11 pm
Hi, Im a student in the field of cosmetology,

Nothing can really make your hair grow longer. Ive looked. But there are things you can do to help it.

One thing is that if you straighten or use irons on your hair, like myself, deep condition your hair ALOT! I do it two to three times a week! Even if you dont have a deep conditioner you can use regular conditioner on your hair for an hour or more, this also works nicely. My hair became really strong after this.

Vitamins help too! Take a multivitamin and a vitamin B-complex.

Do not color your hair alot! It weakens your hair causing it to snap off. If you do need to though, dont forget to condition, condition, condition!!! Dont forget bleaching! That is one of the worste things you could do!!

Cutting your hair doesnt make it grow faster!!! All that does is remove the split ends.

Massage your scalp regularly, this helps with growth!! It helps circulate blood flow in the scalp, with premotes hair growth.

Hope this information was helpful :)
2006-09-09 2:24 pm
if u are a black woman, so your hair have dead ends and u just need to cut about 2 inches.
2006-09-09 2:00 pm
2006-09-09 7:38 am
Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to Hair growth

Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:
Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/
Henna on hair/Splitends/
Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness
Makeup/Hair styles
2006-09-09 7:20 am
not enough nutrients in your body
2006-09-09 7:10 am
it didnt grow slow, its juz tht u want them to be long, but uve cut it n its always short, n thts y u always think they grow slower than be4. ive tried tht too, but after i had my hair extension, i even feel better than before, they r quick n easy, u can perm them or do anythin u want to them, they make no difference wif real hair, except u cant use hot water to wash them ;) y not giv it a try?
參考: myself
2006-09-09 7:05 am
Bad diet and getting older. Make sure your trimming it every now and then.
2006-09-09 7:03 am
Eat more protien and call a beauty salon for tips.
2006-09-09 7:01 am
may be u are getting old!!! sorry to say that
2006-09-09 6:51 am
Age maybe?? Im NOT saying your old!!

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