what should i buy to restore my computer so its running normal again?? I deleted a bounch of files that i?

2006-09-08 7:16 pm
should not have and its running a little goofy??

回答 (3)

2006-09-08 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like you are willing to spend money. Check out the trail version of TuneUp Utility. It will help clean your PC. You can decide to buy it within 30 days.
2006-09-09 2:21 am
Put the WIndows XP CD into your CD drive and boot the PC. After you do the F8 to agree, you will be able to select the "Restore the computer". It will reinstall the important Windows files without remaining any of your data or other programs. (Do NOT select that you want to format the drive).
2006-09-09 2:23 am
Have you tried a "System Restore" or "Defragmentation"?

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