How do u kno if a guy really likes you?

2006-09-08 4:22 am
Me and this guy are pretty good firends and we have a lot of fun together. At first, he told me that he liked me a few years ago, when we were younger, and he makes up nicknames for me all the time, and he's even asked me to the movies before, but i couldn't tell if it was just as firends or not. At the beginning of the week, I glanced up from my desk and caught him starring at me, when i asked him "what?" he just smiled and looked the other way. He keeps asking things like..."u going to the game tomorrow" and " so is there a dance on saterday?". ( you would think that this would hint he likes me) But then all of a sudden he stopped doing all of this. and On IM, he doesnt say more then two words, before he logs off without saying bye. Does he Like me or not?

We do have a dance comming up.... should i ask him?


Plus, He still says hi and stuff like that at school, just doesnt talk to me as much.

回答 (8)

2006-09-08 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
He probably either gave up or found another girl. I think you need to ask him the same questions...maybe be a little forward. IM - it is always easy to do that.
2006-09-08 4:33 am
nooo being a boy myself and i've done that before and it means theres another girl just look for anther boy and move on.
2006-09-08 4:28 am
He wouldn't be your friend if he didn't like you. Trust me... i lose interest in friendship with girls if there is no chance to hook up.
2006-09-08 4:27 am
he might have giving up cas u did not take the hints he was dropping
2006-09-08 4:27 am
oh yah he likes you but you better hurry before he looks some where else talk to him and let him know how you feel becase he might just be as scared as you are to talk don't beat around the bush good luck
2006-09-08 4:25 am
he does like, probably very much. he is mad at the fact that he sends all these hints and you don't acknowledge him at all. do you like him is the question - think about this thoroughly, you will remember it for the longest time.
2006-09-08 4:25 am
i think maybe he prolly gave up already.
2006-09-08 4:25 am
If you have to ask this question probably not but you never know

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