Should I continue my long distance relationship?

2006-09-07 6:40 pm
I am a forty something year old divorced man living in the midwest. Nearly two years ago I attended my HS reunion & fell hard for my HS girlfriend who was also divorced. Unfortunately she lives 300 miles away and seeing ech other can be dificult. We are both very sucessful in our careers but I do earn quite a bit more than she. I have two teenage children and she has one. All three of the kids get along fabulously.
I guess what I am asking is should I continue the relationship if she is not willing to relocate any time soon. I love her dearly but being apart can be very dificult. I know that she can find work where I live but she seems to think that she cannot. I even offered to support her financially but she declined as she is a very proud woman. (As you can tell I am very fond of her)

回答 (6)

2006-09-07 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The only thing I hear you saying is that she wont move to be closer to you. Have you considered moving to be closer to her?
300 Miles is a long way so you need to look at the relationship. What are your long term goals for the relationship. Do you want to get married, live together or do you just want to be closer to date more often. Do either one of you have the type of job that you can get in the other's city easily or will moving require a lot of financial sacrifices on either part? How old are the children? What about their other parents, will the move prevent them from seeing them as often? How do they feel about the possibility of moving? As far as her being willing to let you support her, it is good that she is trying to maintain her independence. Sit down with all the parties involved and discuss the situation, dont automatically assume that she should be the one moving.
2006-09-08 1:46 am
If you both feel the same way I would continue with the relationship!
2006-09-08 1:45 am
Continue the relationship. In time she will move to be closer to you. Right now she wants to be sure it is going to work out before she picks up everything and moves.
2006-09-08 1:45 am
have you considered relocating to be with her?

If you love her then I would say to continue forward in the relationship however eventually if its going to go further, marriage one of you will need to give in into relocating. Something you both need to decide

Hugs from a Loving Mom to a Brilliant, as well as beautiful 8 year old Jared and Our Angel, Zachary (taken to soon but who will always remain in our heart) ~ Mel
2006-09-08 1:44 am
2006-09-08 1:43 am
if the both of you are willing to continue the LD why not?

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