可以體諒我的感受嗎 英文怎麼

2006-09-07 8:43 am
體諒在英文上有沒有動詞的說法 因為我查到的是consideration

回答 (6)

2006-09-07 10:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you want translation, then Aujourdui did a great job translating. However, if you want to find out 體諒在英文上有沒有動詞的說法, then yes.

Consider would be 動詞的說法 for consideration. But would require to use with object. In this case, you might be able to say:
Would you consider my feelings?

Some other words you can use as 體諒 in 動詞:
acknowledge, care for, allow for.....
參考: a Taiwanese American
2006-09-07 10:19 pm

Can you sympathize with my feeling? --- sympathize with --- 體諒,諒解

Can you feel for my feelong? --- feel for 體諒

Can you considerate of my feeling? --- considerate of 體貼;體諒

參考: 我自己+字典
2006-09-07 9:26 pm
Please be understanding!i guess this will do...
參考: me, myself, and I
2006-09-07 8:48 pm
可以體諒我的感受嗎 英文= Can you EMPATHIZE with me?
2006-09-07 7:45 pm
Can you take my stand into consideration?
參考: 自創
2006-09-07 1:53 pm
Yet one other possible expression come to mind...

Can you appreciate my feelings/what I have to go through/what I have gone through...

Please try and appreciate my feelings/etc...

a truly under-appreciated word... (appreciate)

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