How many of you got addicted to this yahoo answer, and how long has this been started in yahoo????????

2006-09-04 12:08 pm

回答 (12)

2006-09-04 12:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
im quite addicted to it seriously.....
umm i started in since early April 2006
2006-09-05 2:00 am
i have and i just started sept 2 2006
2006-09-04 11:48 pm
Been about two months. I like to answer but I have to go back a lot of hours each time to find any interesting questions.
2006-09-04 7:35 pm
Yes, I'm addicted. Started about a month ago. I think we're in the early stages of what the Internet will become: anyone in the world in touch with everyone in the world.
2006-09-04 7:28 pm
Yes, I have been addicted to the yahoo answers. I like seeing what different people think on certain issues. Plus, I like helping people with questions they have. It's fun.
2006-09-04 7:25 pm
I love tis stuff it took me away from yahoo game but I still do fantasy yahoo sports...PeAcE
2006-09-04 7:17 pm
hi, I started about Aug 14th and Im very addicted. It is a very fun and helpful thing to do on here. I get on here asap when I get up, as soon as I get home from work, and before I go to bed.. I just love this!!!
2006-09-04 7:14 pm
it is start in the year 15 ad with berth of curiousity...evr since people like it
2006-09-04 7:12 pm
im addicted 2 tis its frm about 2 or 3 months
2006-09-04 7:11 pm
i'm addicted to answering questions......i've been doing this since the first of the summer. it just sticks with me.

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