Girls...have you any advice on how to cope with stomach cramps?!?

2006-09-03 8:50 pm

回答 (29)

2006-09-03 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ibuprofen and drink plenty of water. takes about 30 minutes, you may need to take 600mgs.
2006-09-03 8:52 pm
Painkillers is the only way. exercise relieves it but just take the painkillers!
2006-09-03 8:51 pm
the best solution is to think about sumthing else...distract urself as much as posible.just pop a combiflam,asprin,or a a little works wonders! and yeah i tried a hot made me feel heavenly!
2006-09-03 8:51 pm
Hot water bottle and painkillers
2006-09-03 8:51 pm
Get a thick leather belt to bite down on
2016-10-01 6:38 pm
hello. From the way you describe your baby lady behaviour, I recommend while she brings her knees as much as her chest, i might say this is particularly frequently used while the toddler could desire to handle discomfort from colic.Did you attempt holdin her on your hands, one hand caressing her abdomen and the different one massaging her back, she's face down, like "superman" you be responsive to. you ought to use your elbow to hold her precise, I recommend her head could be onto your elbow so which you will carry her weight with your hand. as though she grew to become into swimming interior the air, have been given the belief of ways the positon could be?? sturdy success, D.
2006-09-06 7:15 am
have plenty of love sessions
2006-09-05 11:09 pm
Sounds really mad but does work. Lie on your back with your feet up against the wall for 20 mins
2006-09-05 7:57 pm
I have severe cramps, and only 3 Nurofen (ibuprofen 200mg each tablet) will get rid of it - mostly, but I do use an oil blend I made myself. Its 5 drops each of Bergamot, Lemongrass and Lavender 100% essential oils in a 10ml base of grapeseed oil. rub the mixture on the stomach and back (if you get back pain). It doesn't get rid of it completely, but it does ease it to a dull ache. Also, that 4Head is very good for the same purpose!

Also, Sainsbury's do Ibuprofen in 400mg tablets, they are big, and hard to swallow, but are great for knocking you out!

Also, I find that excercise simply makes mine much worse, so that is down to the individual.

Oh, and I just read the comment about a goof fart, and you know what? Having a good fart actually relieves some of the pressure felt in the lower abdomen!
參考: Me!
2006-09-04 2:18 pm
you can get these little square patch things that you stick 2 ur stomach and they up with the help of you body heat i find they help i think little lets make them you get them in most chemists or shops like sainsburys or tescos and they are realli thin so you can wear them under ur clothes and you cant even notice! good luck!or going 2 bed 4 a wee sleep sometimes helps if you are able 2!
2006-09-04 9:43 am
I know a lot of people say use a hot water bottle but i find that a cold damp cloth on my stomach helps, plus a little lavender oil..
If you are in great pain seek advice from you doctor or nurse...
2006-09-04 12:18 am
i use beachem powders,the normal one, they work like a treat for alot of things
2006-09-03 11:02 pm
Ibuprofen. can't beat it.
2006-09-03 10:41 pm
haet and painkillers followed by your bfriend bringing u breakfast in bed
2006-09-03 9:07 pm
Ladies, to cope with stomach cramps, drink some Lemon Zinger Tea. A nice, hot, soothing cup of Lemon Zinger Tea with wonderful and excellent for stomach cramps.
2006-09-03 9:07 pm
Use Jasmine essential oil (5 drops in 5 millilitre of oil or cream) apply to your abdomen if you are premenstrual. Lavender oil or rose can also be use for cramps in the same way. If you are pregnant use orange or mandarin oil 1 drop in 1 teaspoon of cream.

Hot water bottle.

ginger is helpful for gastric complaints
2006-09-03 8:54 pm
exercise and lots of good fresh healthy food its hard but since ive started this 6 months ago i dont get as many cramps as i used to and when i do they arent as bad.
2006-09-03 8:54 pm
I suffer really badly from cramps and what i do is get some munchies, a dvd and lie in bed with my hot water bottle. Relieves so much pain i think.
2006-09-03 8:53 pm
Try menstral pain killer OTC. IF not, drink alcohol.

I suffer from serious cramps only if I didn't workout before that period. So workout and break a sweat. Try this, but everyone's body should be slightly different...

When I do have cramps, I drink 1-2 glasses of red wine because alcohol can make the blood more watery and runny to reduce cramping.
參考: Personal experience
2006-09-03 8:53 pm
Whiskey is brilliant for all cramps. You only need a sip. Honest it works wonders.
2006-09-03 8:52 pm
do exercise and take pain killers to take your mind off the pain, just try and bear with it, walking helps a bit
2006-09-03 8:52 pm
in general ive heard that bananas are really good to get rid of cramps. i usually just take asprin if i get crams and they go away.
2006-09-03 8:52 pm
have sex.
2006-09-03 8:51 pm
A good fart usually does the trick
2006-09-03 8:51 pm
2006-09-03 8:51 pm
eat chocolate, or just keep rubbing it, drink lots of fluids
2006-09-03 8:51 pm
Heating pad
2006-09-03 8:51 pm
i heard bananas help
2006-09-03 8:51 pm
Go have a hot bath then apply a hot water bottle

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