anyone experienced CONFLICT within the family? how has it affected you?

2006-09-02 1:50 pm

回答 (12)

2006-09-02 1:53 pm
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Good question. All families go through stages when they have problems and disagreements. I admit i have been affected by my parents fighting when i was about 8 or 9 upwards. Im 50 now and have never married, i still remember how i was afraid to go to sleep until they were in and i could hear them talking. If it was silence then i new it would kick off and i would be dragged out of my bed by my mum and taken to an aunts house. My parents are very old now and everyone thinks they are sweet, but i wonder how many know how much it has affected my life....
2006-09-02 2:03 pm
Yes I have.
I have 3 daughters and all are grown. The youngest has mental problems and cannot raise her 2 young children so I am. Her two older sisters don't understand about the mental disabilities even though she was in and out of psych units her whole life.

They can't stand to be around her so when she comes to visit her children they have to leave. I have to plan everything around who is going to be here and I have to tell everyone who is going to stop by on any given day so every one will have the choice as to whether to be here or not.

It hurts me as a mother to be in the middle of it all and I try not to talk about one daughter to the others because it just makes things worse. The middle daughter has no compassion for either of her sisters and feels that she is so much better than the other two.

I can't even begin to explain to you what it does to a mother and a father to be in the middle of all this. It is so bad that we are throwing birthday party # 3 for our 2 year old granddaughter that we are raising, this weekend. It is because everyone wanted to have a party for her but no one wanted to be here with any one else.
2016-10-01 5:15 pm
some human beings like to quietly start up hardship some human beings like to stand up for them selves maximum affected? In a extreme conflict consistent with danger this is the harmless bystanders people who pay the cost of the autumn out and income not something from the conflict
2006-09-02 2:10 pm
Of Course, you can't choose your family and for most of us if they weren't our relatives you wouldn't make friends with as strangers. People forget that sometimes the only thing we have in common is being related and the best people to confide in is friends we have chosen ourselves.
But look at the variety of characters you have in your family good and bad and the experiences you gain from these in your life, they make us who we are. Having bad experiences when growing up or as an adult prepares you for the real world - good and bad people are out there so why should your family be nay different.
2006-09-02 2:02 pm
My aunt would separate her children from my brother and I because she was jealous that my father picked my mother over her regardless on how many times she attempted to steel my father away from my mother. It really had an impact on my brother and I because we had to constantly feud with our cousins because of their mother's spite fullness. I learned that sometimes you have to make a family outside of your own if you want to feel love and unity that family is suppose to have. Also, I teach my children to treat people that way that you would want to be treated.
2006-09-02 1:57 pm
I did it was when I was a very unhappy person, it did affect me a bit, but after a while I realised it was only misunderstanding, then everything turned to normal. Gd luck!!
2006-09-02 1:54 pm
Yes, I have and its been very destructive indeed! I have it all written on my 360, but because of the way my family have been towards me, things will never be the same again
2006-09-02 5:21 pm
i had conflick with one of my 3 brothers and i got blamed for things i diddnt do. i could prove that i was the innocent party but i was called a liar.then another brother wouldnt talk. In the end i said I ve had enough. I moved away and diddnt leave any address and destroyed all address books phone numbers , everything.That was 20years ago and as far as im concerned im much better off without them.I choose my friends not my family.
2006-09-02 3:15 pm
MY daughter in law is very jealous of me ,don`t know why i have 3 sons and she married the middle one ,when i visit she ignores me completely,it is so hurtful ,my other 2 daughter in laws are lovely we get on well together ,the trouble is my son is in the middle ,i don`t interfere and sometimes i don`t see my grandchildren for weeks,when her mother visits everything is laid on for her ,my son pointed this out to her a fortnight ago ,when we were both visiting at the same time ,my husband and i were ignored while mum got everything ,trouble is it is rubbing off on my grandaughter who is 9 ,it is so hurtful ,
2006-09-02 1:59 pm
Yes I have experienced it with my in-laws. I have been called a b***h and other things because I wouldn't let my husbands uncle walk over me and take advantage of me and my husband. It happened a few months after I got married so it was really hard. Everything is fine now but I still have some hard feelings. You never feel the same way towards that part of the family.
參考: sam~~

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