Is it okay to keep my computer running for long time??

2006-09-02 1:46 pm
As lots of office do, they run computers all day, will it consume a lot of electricity or dangerous to do so??

回答 (11)

2006-09-02 5:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
everything needs a break once in a while.........though d poor PC wnt no harm


trust me..............some day its gonna get pissed and settle d scores with you mate!!
參考: its straight from the horse's mouth !!!
2006-09-02 1:52 pm
It will not consume that much. It is bad for the computer to turn it off and on.
2006-09-02 1:57 pm
I have a four year old Dell I leave it on all the time. If I am going to be away for more than three days I turn it off. It is especially helpful to leave it on if you have good security soft ware and have automatic up dates turned on. My computer gets updates for its operating system, anti virus and security software all while I am not even using it. It also scans my system for viruses

2016-10-01 5:14 pm
this is honestly high-quality to apply the AC adapter to run your computing gadget, different than if youre using a MacBook professional, which throttles down 50% while using only the AC adapter. the clarification Apple do it is that the AC adapter is amazingly puny interior the wattage it materials, and to keep any skill injury to the hardware by way of underpower, they have this selection outfitted in using fact the battery materials the greater skill the gadget desires to run finished skill. So for every physique with a Macbook / professional who reads this, use the battery AND the AC adapter.
2006-09-02 2:05 pm
Typical computer costs about $6.00 per month to run 24/7/365.

Most components, just like an incandescent light bulb, suffer from thermal damage when turned on/off repeatedly. It is the warming up, and component expansion from going to operating temperature, then the cooling to room temperature, that stresses all the Integrated Circuits transister junctions.

The original Edison Light Bulb in the Edison museum has been ON for 100 years. How long do yours last?

Most electrical components seem to fail when powering up. Having been a technician on large aircraft, mobile communications and computing systems, Air Force Rat Rigs -Radio and Teletype mobile shelters, and vehicle electronics, for over 41 years, has taught me this on a recurring basis.

In my home, I have two computers that are on 24/7/365. The others, up to 12 or so, never all 80 at one time, get spun up when all the kids come over to learn Linux and gaming. has 1900 FREE games and programs, crashfree. So, they, unlike the Microsoft systems, can run indefinitely.

Maybe that is why,,, joined their 45,000 servers with the Fortune 1,000 companies, and the other 76% of the Internet, in running the Linux on all their computers? Uptimes for Microsoft servers can be up to 14 days, by all experienced Web SysAdmins. Linux is 'forever'!
2006-09-02 1:57 pm
I thought that switching your computer on and off causes the components to expand and contract due to the heat fluctuations and that this could lead to them cracking.
maybe I'm wrong though
2006-09-02 1:51 pm
This one at my office stays on forever...
2006-09-02 1:50 pm
No, it is not okay to keep your computer running a long time because it is definitely dangerous, and you can blow a fuse that can start a fire and it will burn your important paperwork. It is always best to consume electricity and your computer energy so that when you turn your computer back, it will be refreshed for another day.
2006-09-02 1:49 pm
well, it's bad for the computer, which most offices don't realize. it heats up all night, then it has to work just as hard the next day, then heats up more all night, then work hard, and so on. if you keep your monitor on, it can burn out, as well as other hardware in your cpu. it doesn't consume a lot of energy, but it can be dangerous after long periods of time.
2006-09-02 1:48 pm
You can leave it on all the time if you want. Shouldn't think it will use any more electric than a fridge.
2006-09-02 1:52 pm
Well if you want your computer to last your a couple of years then no! I reccomend that you spend maz 2 hours on it.. Then turn it off and leave it for an hour... Keep the computer lasting longer...

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