If you could have any super power...?

2006-09-02 7:00 am
Only one... and it cant be a categorie... like... psychic. It has to be only one.

回答 (27)

2006-09-02 7:15 am
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lol, I would like to freeze time =P
2006-09-02 2:03 pm
I would like to be able to teleport at will. Because traveling is so expensive nowadays, I could just teleport wherever I wanted to go, and I would not have to pay for a plane ticket or gas for my car.
2006-09-02 2:02 pm
2006-09-02 2:02 pm
i would be invisible
2006-09-02 2:02 pm
Have to fly!
2006-09-02 7:55 pm
Does shapeshifting count as one or as a category? If I can have that, I'll take it. I'd love the ability to be able to turn myself into anything at all in terms of size, shape, and composition.

If you're going to get picky, and make me pick more specifically, that would be tough, but I'd likely go with the ability to turn into any animal. While there are some interesting objcts I could see myself turning into (kite, Ferrari, my wife's swimsuit), being any animal would be more fun and useful.

If you REALLY wanna be strict, I'll pick the ability to turn into a Great White Shark. I love the ocean, swimming, and seafood. That form would allow me to explore the ocean, swim great distances, and get the freshest seafood available, LOL.
2006-09-02 4:53 pm
I'm sorry:
mind reading
time travel
2006-09-02 4:10 pm
time travel
2006-09-02 3:52 pm
To divert everyone on the path of peace, prosperity & progress.
2006-09-02 3:38 pm
2006-09-02 3:07 pm
The ability to pick winning lottery numbers at will.

No? OK then, immortality.

What, that doesn't count as a super power either? Dang. You sure? Because that's the one I really want. Fine.

In that case, and I know I'm showing the nerd in me, but I'd like super-human intelligence. The ability to think very deeply about extremely complex subjects, easily recall anything I've learned or deduced, and be creative enough to come up with all new solutions. I want to be able to understand the solution to Fermat's last theorem as easily as beginning arithmetic, to design a universal replicator, figure out a successful cure for all cancers & viruses, deduce the Theory of Everything, and be able to grasp, analyze, and improve upon every school of thought in philosophy.

Actually, I'm not quite there yet, but I'll let you all in on a little secret: nootropics work. >:-)
2006-09-02 2:52 pm
the ability to take away peoples pain!
2006-09-02 2:16 pm
I just simply want to fly and jump up to the sky.
2006-09-02 2:10 pm
i think it would be so fun to be invisable! i could mess with ppl and go places where i normally cant
2006-09-02 2:09 pm
The power to heal. I admire good doctors, but I couldn't do what they do (too much blood). However, it would be amazing to be able to magically cure all aliments.
2006-09-02 2:08 pm
i wana have a great mind more clever than anyone ever on this earth so that i can create any gadget for any purpose.
2006-09-02 2:07 pm
2006-09-02 2:07 pm
telekinesses (the focus mind power)
2006-09-02 2:07 pm
2006-09-02 2:06 pm
I believe I'd want Super Hearing that I could tune in and out.Think about it.You could hear peoples secrets.You could help solve crimes.You could hear rich peoples get rich schemes and profit from them.We might be able to find Osama by eavesdropping on his cohorts and friends,and to top it off I could finally find out what David Letterman whispers to his guests as they join him on stage.I've always wondered what he's saying.
2006-09-02 2:06 pm
light speed.
2006-09-02 2:05 pm
Super-diplomacy, power to bridge the gap petween all people.
2006-09-02 2:03 pm
2006-09-02 2:03 pm
definetly invisibility, that would be so fun i rekon
2006-09-02 2:03 pm
Super Speed or Flying or being able to turn into a pickle.
2006-09-02 2:01 pm
2006-09-02 2:05 pm
i want to be even more powerful than god

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