My degree hasn’t helped me find a better job! Should I try a different deodorant?

2006-09-01 3:22 am

回答 (33)

2006-09-01 3:33 am
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Dang!!! I'm having the same problem, but I NEVER considered deoderant!!
2006-09-01 4:02 am
better take shower daily n please change your stinky clothes too.
2006-09-01 3:43 am
Yeah. Axe for men and Old Spice are sexy.
2006-09-01 3:42 am
haha thats really funny

maybe you should try ode de bealge *** lol
2006-09-01 3:38 am
2006-09-01 3:38 am
You need to seek a Secret job on an Old Spice ship that hauls AXE!!!! BTW takeing a bath would not hurt ya none eighter. Thought it was to cute BTW
2006-09-01 3:37 am
lol or you can use degree and a erfume.. if you have money.. i mean you don't have a new job
2006-09-01 3:34 am
No sweat. Try Degree for Sports. Such more advanced degree will help you to get a better job, maybe in the NBA.
2006-09-01 3:28 am
Nowadays a college degree is like a high school degree - It doesn't guarantee you a good job, but you're really screwed without one. Just to be sure, change your deoderant too. LOL
2006-09-01 3:28 am
Try using something that works for you.
2006-09-01 3:27 am
that's cool but i would have kepted that a SECRET
2006-09-01 3:25 am
arm and hammer works well i've got the same job for 2 years now
2006-09-01 3:25 am
i suppose so but shaving, getting a hair cut and stopping smoking will help too.
2006-09-02 4:13 am
it should when i use anything else i smell. maybe when i use other deodorant it is in fact the sweet smell of sucess.
2006-09-02 4:02 am
Probably. LOL.
2006-09-01 12:42 pm
Try a different job pal. A deodorant factory maybe. I heard they accept anything which destroys the ozone.
2006-09-01 3:50 am
Maybe lay off the dope until your urinanalysis comes back clean...
2006-09-01 3:36 am
try a different attitude
2006-09-01 3:30 am
Well, X&Y, I don't think it's the way you smell. Try using a headhunter, if you haven't already. I think you should really look at the qualifications required for the kind of job that you want and phrase your educational experience (don't lie) to fit the qualifications. If you can't, look into ways that you can volunteer to get some experience. Good luck. You are using your education every day, even though it doesn't seem to be paying off. Congrats on going to school and finishing. Just keep plugging. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
2006-09-01 3:30 am
2006-09-01 3:30 am
2006-09-01 3:29 am
Get one of your friends to brainstorm with you things you might improve. Maybe your clothing gives the wrong message, check your posture, deodorant, wear long sleeves over any tatoos, and look at other personal aspects that might put off an employer.
2006-09-01 3:29 am
sure! or am I unsure???
2006-09-01 3:28 am
try using Axe, it works great for hot guys like you.but for me it has to be a Secret.
2006-09-01 3:27 am
You need a Ph. D. ~ PHunk Deodorizer... from the sweat and smoke under your hat. THEN you can have your dream job.
2006-09-01 3:27 am
perhaps. you may also want to follow the advise of those queer guys on tv to be a metrosexual. cheers!
2006-09-01 3:27 am
Hmmmm. Now that's a tough one.
Kinda puts you in a stinky situation, doesn't it?
2006-09-01 3:25 am
ya i use old spice stuff works and smells good
2006-09-01 3:28 am
Actually, I'd try lowering your standards. Then the deodorant.
2006-09-01 3:27 am
2006-09-01 3:26 am
hahahahaha cute:;)
2006-09-01 3:26 am
good idea.
2006-09-01 3:26 am
LMAO!! LOL... Thanks!

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