what the heck is wrong with people these days!?

2006-09-01 3:07 am
Good God people have become so insensitive to others feelings lately. I am so sick of people being so mean and hateful. What is wrong with this world? if there were more humane people we would have a lot less violence and fighting. What can we do about it?

回答 (66)

2006-09-01 3:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
don't know dear but i see way too much of it here in answers
2006-09-01 3:16 am
I think there has been a shift in caring about people to that of caring about money and getting ahead... it will lead to the destruction of this society unless we start putting people first. Every year, due to lack of funds, the mentally ill are dumped on our streets to fend for themselves... yet we spend billions on war... mostly to protect business interests.
2006-09-01 3:15 am
turn the tv off, computers off and go outside and play kick ball. wanna be on my team =)
2006-09-01 3:18 am
The only thing we can do about it is on a personal level. Be a good person, and lead by example. I don't think we can change the world, but we can affect the people we come into contact with on a daily basis. A smile can go a long way to making someone feel better.
2006-09-01 3:14 am
Welcome to the real world and toughen up.
2006-09-01 3:14 am
Kill 'em all!!!!
2006-09-01 3:21 am
It is about respect. no one has any theses days. What ever happened to respect other people and what ever they believe in? It gone with out it no one cares if you kill or destroy something
2006-09-01 3:20 am
In our house, the kids were being really hateful to each other and very disrespectful to the adults. We took away all of the video games, you know the ones where they kill people and fight with monsters and hear filthy language. It had consumed their whole life and they would hurry through everything they had to do just to get back to the game. If you called them for something they would yell that they couldn't, I am playing a game. They are all boxed up now and the attitudes have imporved along with grades. If we don't teach kids to respect others in the home they will never respect anyone outside of the home.
2006-09-01 3:18 am
if u r good n kind, then that's one more for the 'nice' people population..

maybe it's not supposed to be about numbers..it should be about how we spread the love so to speak.. if u smile at someone, they mite smile back, but if, say, u hit them, they will retaliate.. so maybe we just gotta love and smile more..

but hey, i am idealistic.. i might be wrong.. but i have yet to lose hope on people..
2006-09-01 3:17 am
The bible says that in the last days people would be "lovers of money, self assuming, haughty, blasphemers, having no natural affection" and things like these.
2006-09-01 3:17 am
They seem to think it's humorous or cool to be rude and insensitive. I sure can't tell you how things got this way either. I don't understand it.
2006-09-01 3:17 am
I agree with you......did you see the movie "pay it forward"? if we all do one nice thing for someone else....well it's a nice thought anyway. i try, wish others would feel the same way.
2006-09-01 3:16 am
I know.
Do you remember that movie that starred that kid Haley Joe Osmett or seomthing like that - where he did 3 nice things...and the repayment was for those three to do 3 things, in turn they do 3 things......remember that? That would be sooooo cool. Wish I could remember the name of the movie.
2006-09-01 3:16 am
well, if the terrorists would stop blowing ppl up, and the liberals would stop whining, and the conservatives would get off their *** and do something, and the christians would open their eyes, and the jews would close their eyes, and the cubans would stop hating america, and america would stop trying to be the world police, and the french would grow some balls....

then we could have world peace
2006-09-01 3:15 am
Let go and let God.
2006-09-01 4:24 am
What can we do, unless people are willing to change for the better, hate begets hate. You could campaign politically then get into office and make some changes or write a book promoting peace, (but you cant make those pesky hateful people read it), so many ways, so little interest, people theser days are to busy worring about themselves and their own, to give much thought to others, one day maybe!!!
2006-09-01 4:09 am
Nothing direct. It's human nature to want to be superior. We treat each other badly to build ourselves up in our own minds. The only thing you can do is be kind and corteous even if no one else is.
2006-09-01 3:31 am
we call it power/authority maniac!!!

those people will do anything to get what they want and have power over people!!

clean our brain and attitude first.. than we will live happily ever..
2006-09-01 3:28 am
Dude, are you kidding? I just got back from the 12th century and those folks are freakin' viscious! Look at 'em crosseyed and they draw a sword! Shoot at you with crossbows for no reason at all!
2006-09-01 3:25 am
Yes, I agree with your statement. More and More people are living life with Stress and Depression. They become unattached to the people and world around them (insensitive). The love and respect for "Self" is gone, and they hate everyone and everything, which causes them to become mean and hateful to others. They have to find the root of their problem, they have to help themselves. There is not much you or I can do for them. Maybe, just stay out of their way.
2006-09-01 3:25 am
We can start by setting a good example. We can be helpful, and considerate ourselves and not let the rudeness, greed or sloth of others change who we are. We can remember the next time we are inconvenienced that there is another side to the story.

Example: I was served by a cashier tonight that was obviously new. He was polite and courteous, but didn't have the experience to know how to handle my check after it wouldn't scan. It ended up that he had to cancel the order and re-ring it. I could have been unpleasant and complained about his incompetence, but I chose to be supportive and forgiving. He responded to this treatment and will probably be a better clerk tomorrow and hopefully remember and give someone the same treatment when something like this happens to him in the future.

We can't change everyone or everything, but we can have a positive effect on our little part of the world.
2006-09-01 3:23 am
Kerry you sound like me when I was a teenager back in the 60's.
My generation fought for peace and love. Love not hate.
Stop the war. We were for being a more peaceful generation.
We became bummed out with all the put downs. Seems like nothing has changed. People are still rude, insensitive and uncaring. We seem to have become numb and unfeeling.
Except for a few malcontents who just love to stir things up.
Education is the answer. Always has been. We need to teach our children that there is a better way. We need to plant the seeds today in order for a kinder crop to grow tomorrow.
2006-09-01 3:23 am
someone told me this before,if you worry about every ones problems you're always going to fell miserable. and i say don't worry be happy,everything is going to be alright.
2006-09-01 3:22 am
Be as kind and loving to everyone you meet even if they are rude to you. Forgive and let go of the simple bull sh*t that doesn't really matter anyway. Hopefully the good will trickle on to the next person. This maybe hard to hear but we should all try to be more like Jesus. Not like a Christian. Try to be more like Jesus.
2006-09-01 3:21 am
Amen and hallelujah to Mike S's answer! We need to stay home and raise our children instead of letting them be raised by strangers. We need to start acting like real families and spend quality time together. We need to eat dinner together as a family every night. We need to do activities as a family. We need to be more sociable. It takes a village to raise our kids. Wake up, people!
2006-09-01 3:21 am
Everyone is sinful and wicked, since the beginning of time. Our hope is not found in this world, but the next.
2006-09-01 3:20 am
I agree, there not many people in this world who are nice and true. I honestly do not know what to tell you. Except don't change who you are if your a nice person. Keep yourself true and honest. Please, and thank you everyone till there blue in the face. Kill them with Kindness....
2006-09-01 3:20 am
I know what you are talking about. Talk about insensitive. That question was just meant to hurt.
But I think it's always a good thing to know what you're up against. I'd rather know the truth, than be ignorant of how people really feel.
I don't know what we can do about it...besides dying and going to heaven.
2006-09-01 3:20 am
I totally agree with ya! Not sure what can be done, if anything because, unfortunately there will always be people like that! I dont even watch the news anymore! Instead you will find me in the back yard playin baseball or jumpin in leaves with my kids..lol..My kids r very rspectful of other people, and use their manners! The person above is right! It all starts at home.
well have a good night!
2006-09-01 3:19 am
For some unknown reason the whole world is turning that way and there is no need for it. People are so ignorant and rude and they don't care about anybody's feelings. They think they are better than everybody and they aren't. I think that God needs to come and get the chosen few that believe and get us out of this mess.
2006-09-01 3:19 am
There is nothing we can do.
2006-09-01 3:19 am
Seems like the same old world to me...

Ecclesiastes 1:9
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

I guess we can pray.
2006-09-01 3:19 am
2006-09-01 3:18 am
If everyone were resolved to be more polite, kinder and considerate things would be a whole lot better.
2006-09-01 3:18 am
Such a mindset requires one to completely ignore human nature and world events.
When someone is dedicated to your death you have 2 options.
1. kill them and survive
2. talk to them and die.
I'll take option 1. it prevents them from hurting anyone else.
2006-09-01 3:18 am
Set an example. You can't make others to change. But you can change their reaction to you by setting an example. And sometimes, it's a very difficult thing to do.
2006-09-01 3:18 am
I think the problem is that most people lack the ability to put themseleves in another person's shoes. People lack compassion. Take the president for example. Here he is sending other people's children's off to war, off to a war to kill other people's children. However, do you think he would ever send his own child? I think not. Everyone is someone's son, or brother, or father or uncle. These aren't just faceless people who are dying. You need to be able to put yourself in other people's shoes and imagine what they are going through. It's too easy to dismiss everything as someone else's kids. You should act as if every single death was the death of your own child. If everyone did that then war would never occur. No one would ever think it;s worth it.
2006-09-01 3:18 am
just keep on bi.tching on yahoo answers about it because people that are like that aren't gonna listen anyway ...they don't care how other people feel
2006-09-01 3:17 am
I know it's crazy!!!! We can im peach Bush, lol, but, Stay away from people like that and never ever belive it or go with em!
2006-09-01 3:17 am
well my friend ignorance is everywhere..
not sure if there is anythign we can do about it...
have a god night!
If you come up with anything let me know and I will help!!!!!
2006-09-01 3:16 am
The world will stay corrupt.
2006-09-01 3:16 am
Ooooooooooooooooo you are sooooooooooooooooooo right
2006-09-01 3:16 am
makes great entertainment
2006-09-01 3:16 am
get used to it. The pictures where everyone is smiling.. It's not real.
There will never be a day when everyone agrees.
2006-09-01 3:16 am
i know and sorry to see it this way. when our grand parents and great grand parent were around at least children showed respect as well as adults. now forget:(
2006-09-01 3:16 am
grow food for angry people
2006-09-01 3:16 am
i dont think there is anything you could do to change how other people act.
2006-09-01 3:16 am
get on your face and pray.
2006-09-01 3:16 am
nothing. be yourself. as long as they don't threaten you or try something brush em off.
2006-09-01 3:16 am
What you can do is join a happy group. Usually people that don't like killing animals are peaceful and nice, but I'm not being stereotypical. Otherwise, there's nothing you can do about it, 'cause there will always be people that are mad at the world and take it out on the rest of us.
2006-09-01 3:15 am
參考: .
2006-09-01 3:15 am
lead by example.

people have been reared nowadays to care about themselves more than others so why should they care about anothers feelings?
2006-09-01 3:15 am
Eliminate 1/2 of the world population
2006-09-01 3:15 am
2006-09-01 3:15 am
Do you really want an answer, or are you asking rhetorically?
2006-09-01 3:15 am

ever seen that commercial?
it is hilarious !
2006-09-01 3:15 am
Actually, people are more humane these days...
2006-09-01 3:15 am
I know a lot of nice people. You've got to go further out into the suburbs, love.
2006-09-01 3:15 am
They are sadistic
2006-09-01 3:17 am
SHUT UP !!! And there won't be any problems.
2006-09-01 3:16 am
we can all take some xanax and chill out! haha only kidding......but it would be nice to have a world full of happy careless people.........
2006-09-01 3:16 am
kill them and the world will be peaceful at the result of the killings
2006-09-01 3:15 am
Some days it's easier to take, but some days you just have to say wtf...
2006-09-01 3:15 am
Worship God and love everybody as you love yourself...
2006-09-01 3:16 am
Get rid of you!
2006-09-01 3:15 am
Oh boo hoo.

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