What does being the Commander in Chief mean?

2006-08-31 4:20 pm

回答 (18)

2006-08-31 4:23 pm
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It means having ultimate authority to give orders to military forces.

In the US, the authority of the president to command US armed forces is limited only by the rules established by Congress under Article I Section 8 clause 14 regulating the conduct of the US military.
2006-08-31 11:27 pm
It is the commander of a nation's military forces, the highest rank person.

History: first used by King Charles I of England in 1639; this term is not only used in the U.S.
2006-08-31 11:26 pm
CIC is a civilian leader of all the US military branches.
2006-08-31 11:24 pm
its means you (being the president) are in charge of all the military forces. and of course oil, and gay marriage, and the downfall of the american economy... ::cough cough george W bush::
2006-08-31 11:23 pm
it means u tell the military what to do! its one of the presidents titles...
2006-08-31 11:23 pm
You ar ethe MAN! You are the commander of all personal in the military.
2006-08-31 11:23 pm
It means the president is the ultimate general of American troops- he can tell them what to do, where to go, and who to kill.
2006-08-31 11:44 pm
By definition it means to order,,to govern, to have at ones disposal.To have chief power--n.order,control,power of overlooking,power of defending.
參考: history and war enthusiast
2006-08-31 11:29 pm
The American president is the ultimate commander of all of the armed forces of the United States of America. This is much the same way a chief is the supreme leader of his tribe. The American people therefore are in total control of the American military simply by having the ability to vote on who will be the Commander in Chief.
2006-08-31 11:27 pm
The Constitution of the United States gives the title to the President of the United States, who "shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States" (See the 1941 Declarations of War[1] against Japan and Germany for how this call is made). The title commander-in-chief has been used from time to time to refer to powerful regional US military leaders (such as CENTCOM), but the United States abolished all local commands-in-chief in [2002]].

The governors of the several states are also commanders-in-chief of their states' respective National Guards and other military forces, except when those forces are called into active federal service. In 1947, the National Security Act made the President, as a consequence of the creation of the United States Air Force, also the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force of the United States, by extension.

Although the United States presidency was modeled upon the kingship of Great Britain, and the title of Commander-in-Chief was unlikely to have been understood to confer upon the President any powers additional to those inherently held by a Sovereign, the title has increasingly come to be perceived as being a peculiarly military position. This has led to a blurring of the distinction between the President's civil and military responsibilities. It was, for instance, the basis for the trial by military commission of Dr. Samuel Mudd.

In the United States, the Goldwater-Nichols Defense Reorganization Act of 1986 added a new level of CINC. Under Goldwater-Nichols, regional CINCs were created to bring a local supreme commander to a conflict, the most well-known of which was CINC CENTCOM, who was Norman Schwarzkopf during Operation Desert Storm.
2006-08-31 11:25 pm
Being the chief of commands ofcourse
2006-08-31 11:24 pm
the full title is Commander in Cheif of the Armed Forces
2006-08-31 11:31 pm
The C in C is the most senior member of the military chain of command. There is no higher authority from whom orders may be issued, or to whom the military may look for guidance.
2006-08-31 11:29 pm
It means one in charge of the military of this country. It is however, just a figurehead position.
Especially now, Bush has no military background to speak of...& is useless in general. So, he just nods his head dumbly when they tell him what they are going to do, & then takes all the credit if it works. If it fails however, he blames everything & everyone else....
2006-08-31 11:27 pm
it means he can **** up the country and no one can say a word. this war is his fault as a personal revenge for the treat to his asshole father
2006-08-31 11:24 pm
Another word for the ..President of USA...not bush ....it takes a man to be called that
2006-08-31 11:24 pm
It means your the top dawg. Everyone is under your command.
2006-08-31 11:23 pm
If you're it, then the buck stops with you!

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