can i lose hearing by listening to my mp3 player?

2006-08-27 2:39 pm
i have an mp3 player and i am worried that i can lose my hearing by listening to it. My mp3 player has 31 levels of volume. The level I have is 21. Should i lower the level or can i raise it or am i fine?

回答 (10)

2006-08-27 2:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes. Any music can, over time degrade your hearing. Most IPods and MP3 players use a bud type ear piece which directs the music directly into the ear canal. Most people also do not know the level to choose when listening to music. We've all been taught (especialy young people) that Loud=Better. A comfortable level most people would think is too low. The level of the machien has nothing to do with the ability of your ears to take the direct onslaught of the music. Generally speaking, if you're concerned with your hearing, Turn Down the music. If you dont' care that you maybe wearing hearing aids at an early age (like me, diagnosed with hearing loss at age 30) then go ahead and listen at any level you want. My suggestion: put it at a comfortable level to listen, and then turn it down a few notches from there.
參考: experience.
2006-08-27 3:34 pm
One of the leading causes of hearing loss these days is MP3 players. The question that you ask with the information you provide makes the answer self-evident. How many people are listening with you at volume level 21? You should be fine if you have 3 or more.
2006-08-27 2:49 pm
That's a pretty high level. It totally depends on how many hours you listen to your MP3 and at what level you play, and it also depends on whether you listen to it non stop.
2006-08-27 2:47 pm
U cannt lose it this easy, but step by step u will not hear voices as good as before.
2006-08-27 2:45 pm
Yes you can indeed seriously damanage your hearing. Some governments are trying to force manufacturers to limit the volume levels in their equipment for precisely this reason.
2006-08-27 2:45 pm
if you put the whole volume up ull go deaf so dnt do it lol
2006-08-27 2:45 pm
It can be harmful in the future, one way to know if it is too loud is if someone next to you can hear the music.
2006-08-27 2:44 pm
It depends on how loud your MP3 player gets. Most of them have a decibel limit. Any loud noises pumped straight into the ear canal can damage your hearing. Take it from me, it isn't fun.
2006-08-27 3:30 pm
I already answered this question.
2006-08-27 2:45 pm
don't lower or increase ur present volume.its perfect!

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