My Dog Is Begging!?

2006-08-26 9:13 pm
My 5 year old black Labrador is really sweet and well behaved...unless there is food around. She is constantly begging and if we say no she either ignores it or walks away and comes back 5 minutes later! How do I keep her away from our food for good?

回答 (12)

2006-08-26 9:20 pm
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Well, train her. When we eat our dog used to do the same thing. Now I put him in a "down, stay" and make him do it. It makes mealtime so much more pleasant. I also save him a bite of something to have......when we are finished.
2006-08-26 9:51 pm
You can put her in some other room away from where you are when you are eating or let her outside.Do not give in when you tell her No you must stick to it.You can give her a treat when she does as you ask from her/But never give her any treat or food from the rooms in which you are trying to teach her not to beg from.Old habbets are hard to brake/so start a.s.p.Good Luck
2006-08-26 9:44 pm
You have three options:

1. Lock your dog away from the table. In a crate, outside, in another room. You may have trouble with attention seeking behavior if you do this. You may see barking, howling, scratching and other problems. Stops the begging though!

2. Train him with a behavior that he can't do while he is begging. The best one I think is a down-stay, since that is useful for other purposes as well, like meeting new people and keeping muddy footprints off new outfits. This will take some time but is a very valuable tool.

3. Distract him with other interests. Someone suggested you feed him his dinner. Well that's great if you want to feed him everytime you eat (Three times a day plus any snacks? I don't want my dogs to eat that often!) You could try a very favorite toy, but that gets old eventually.

The best choice is training, but it will be a time investment to do it. The other ideas will work also, but have no added benefits like a good down-stay does.
2006-08-26 9:41 pm
dont all dogs beg
2006-08-26 9:25 pm
what we do with our dog has worked a little, but not all the way.

We tell it no, we gently push it away, we ignore it when it comes for food at the dinner table. Also we have a kitchen with french doors, so we close the door while the dog is on the other side. So he can't access the food.

also what kinds of food do you give your dog? Maybe try something that has more flavour to attract his intersets in dog food. Or try giving him like human-ish food.. LIke rice and stuff.. YOu can read about it in many dog books.
If you give your dog human food, no chocolate, she'll get hyper and i was told they can die. No grapes, because the skin is poisonous to them.
She'll feel welcomed to the food and stop if you serve the food in a dog tray for her to eat when YOU eat.

A con is that with dog food (dry, canned, wet, human food) the more flavour, the more vegetalbe/meat in the ingredients.. their poop is mushier and nastier smelling...
2006-08-26 9:21 pm
Just try to ignore your dog. Later she'll finally give up and do something else.
參考: I do that with my dog and I train him.
2006-08-26 9:21 pm
everytime u see her coming because u got food.

Just tell her no in a rough voice and after a few times she would learn the lesson

you could also shape ure hands like a claw and pretend to hit her under the neck but not touch her only the hand motion.

that would tell her NO!
2006-08-26 9:20 pm
put her outside when you eat and cut her off from people food for good.
or if you want to still feed her scraps then make sure you always put it in her food bowl first not from your hand to her mouth.
2006-08-26 9:19 pm
If you keep ignoring her she will stop. You can also give her her dinner right when you're eating yours so she will be more occupied :)
2006-08-26 9:18 pm
Just keep on telling her no. Eventually, she will understand that she won't get any food from the table. Don't allow anyone to give her anything from the table, either. I hope this helps.

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