Does true love exist?

2006-08-24 9:53 pm
Do you think that true love exist? How would you know if you have met 'The One'?

回答 (26)

2006-08-25 4:04 am
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True love did exist but whether we meet the correct one is something everybody have different experiences. Some of us found our true love early while some of us will never find it in our entire life. So it is not easy to find true love nowadays. So all the best to you in finding your true love
2006-08-25 4:56 am
All the people in the world that are in love, would tell you YES...

Will everyone have romantic love in their life? No...but a majority will, especially if they are open to it.
2006-08-25 4:56 am
yes it does youll know i promise
2006-08-25 4:55 am
It exists. The first time I met my husband I KNEW I would marry him....Sometimes you just know.
2014-11-27 4:46 pm
True love does exist. Is your mom and dad happy with each other? Well if yes then that`s true love. We would know if we have met the one if that person is on your mind nonstop. He or she keeps you happy just thinking about him or her.
2006-09-02 3:41 am
yes - you'l feel it in your heart - but it may be the one for now - some people find true love more than once and some never find it at all
2006-09-01 11:16 pm
i do think true love exists. i'm just searching for the person that truly loves me for who i am. and when you meet the one you will know. it's that feeling deep inside you that lets you know (the feeling that's stronger than love)
2006-09-01 8:20 am
once upon a time when i was young at heart
in question i asked this part
in believes that true loves do come in play
for my heart i use to pay

for beauty in looks and love i find
another mediacorps artist i think i find
a love that is the fastest in time
and the wedding bell rings in no time

over time i find that loves is not what it seems
beauty fade and my faith grows thin
so i look for character to reinforce my love
but then to find my life in turmoils, bends and curves.

in the car and the void deck i do sleep
rather than to the nagging home and messing house in deed
i pray for death till eternal came
but never did god answer my prayers to my name

as time goes by i find and find
to love i know i will never find
in quarrels and divorce courts i went
only to find the my heart pains and swell

but today if anyone should asked me if true love exist
yes it does as for me it does exist
over the years if one should asked me whom i loved
i say it is still my wife whom had treated me badly and has another love
2006-08-31 8:13 pm
only u dead .u will know..................
2006-08-25 11:09 pm
True love is like ghost,
Many speak of it,
Yet few have seen.

Love.. a simple word. Yet, it comes with an overwhelmin power.
Some changed their lifestyle for the better.
When you truly love someone, You'd accept the whole of them.
People change but we adept to the changes. You might change during a relationship, but that's because you want to make it better.

You may be in and out of relationships, but when it comes to that Special Someone... You'd feel peaceful, secured.
Anyone would feel loved and cherished when they're in love but to have the feeling of spendin the rest of your life with tis person that you're seein... it's remarkable.

Some may fear the commitment of spendin life together, but rest assure.. if you had found the One, he/she would be able to get rid of tat fear.

"Many of us tried to find the right one,
But how many of us have tried to Be the right one?"

2006-08-25 10:52 am
True love will exist when both parties overcome all barrier between them.
2006-08-25 5:28 am
Yes.I think true love exists.Actually I know that the one who is meant for u will b for u no matter what and this can be seen from the person's character.The person shud b patient,kind,truthful,ready to accept wrong and generally understanding.It doesn't necessarily have anything to do wit beauty.Above all prayer is the key to open the door of knowledge.I wish u the very best!!!!
2006-08-25 5:05 am
2006-08-25 5:03 am
YES!!!!! Its out there somewhere and when you find it you just feel complete when you're next to the person and nothing else matters! But thats just how you feel.. now if the other person doesnt feel the connection well just work at it and yeah. If its defenitely not there just leave it alone and dont push it.
2006-08-25 5:00 am
It exists! Rest in knowing this.
You just know ...
2006-08-25 4:59 am
I absolutely believe in "the one" the true love or whatever you wanna call it.

and for your second question check out this video
this is the exact way I fell
2006-08-25 4:59 am
i did have meat one and he loves me i does exist
2006-08-25 4:59 am
If it didn't exist life wouldn't be worth living.
2006-08-25 4:59 am
For me I had been looking for that someone special all my life. I met my special someone, through a girl I had a crush on for a while. I started dating my special someone, you need to realize. My fiancee isn't all up stairs, she is mentally handicaped but when I'm with her I feel safe, and at home. That's how I knew that she was Mrs. Right. When we're seperated I don't feel complete. I hope this helps, but just look for someone who makes you feel at home and doesn't want to change you or force you to do things that you would later regrett
2006-08-25 4:58 am
Yes... I believe in true love. However, do not confuse true love with true lust. It is my belief that far too many people confuse lust with love which is a major factor in the 50% divorce rate!
2006-08-25 4:58 am
True love is the love you have within yourself and you get to share it with another. Another person can be the catalyst for these feelings, but generally, if you're not functioning properly within yourself, then it's not possible to have a healthy love affair.
2006-08-25 4:57 am
warning, ..... most (not all but definately most) men do not fall in love with females. they fall in love with p*ssy. that's the honest to God truth. ....Men are idiots!!!

but true love does exist. it's rare anymore, but it's out there.
2006-08-25 4:56 am
same thign as I always say.
Love xists. The degree of love varies.
True love Does not exist unless you can prove to me what false love is. Because if you tell me someone acting like they l;ove someone else, I'll tell you it's, like you said, ACTING, not love
2006-08-25 4:56 am
Everyone asks that question. Unfortunately the only ones that could answer that is someone who has found the one which is not me yet.
2006-08-25 4:56 am
I think a person has to have it to give in order to receive it, but yes, I think it can exist.
2006-08-25 4:55 am
i think that true love exists.....i dont knw how i would know i think i would just know...if that makes any sense...

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